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HRM Review Magazine:
Mindfulness : The Art of Merging our Perceptions with the Reality

The plot of the famous novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen shows us how a biased perception might lead one into numerous troubles. We have a natural tendency to commit perceptual errors while making sense of the world around us. This article discusses an age-old idea of `Mindfulness' that not only sensitizes us to the pitfalls of perception but also suggests suitable ways to overcome them.


Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary gives two meanings to the noun `Mindfulness' `bearing in mind' and `inclined to be aware'. The underlying notion of mindfulness is paying greater attention and completely involving oneself to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. A mindful outlook is devoid of stereotypes, prejudices, and preset notions. Mindfulness refers to the mental ability that can focus on the present by controlling the wandering mindset. Its emphasis is on the presence of mind rather than memory of the past.

The nuances of the art of practicing mindfulness can be found in both the Eastern and the Western literatures. In the Western literature this construct has been widely studied under the streams of Psychology and Social Psychology. Whereas, in the Eastern literature, especially in Buddhism philosophy, one can find an elaborate exposition of this construct. This signifies meditation as a way to achieve the virtuous quality of mindfulness. The ideas presented in this article are rooted in the Western literature.


HRM Review Magazine, Emotional Intelligence, EI, Western Literature, Organizational Level, Stress Management, Mindfulness Behavior, Stereotyping, Relationship Management, Social Awareness, Organizational Behavior, Perceptual Errors, Business Environment.