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HRM Review Magazine:
Supporting Life with Work : A Business Opportunity from the Human Dimension

The article deals with a very important issue concerned with the limitations in the existing framework of work-life, generally imposed by organizational constraints. It suggests the organizations certain innovative steps to extend work-life throughout the productive lifespan of their employees. Intellectual fulfillment should be provided for those who can make a significant contribution to work and in return want to get support for their life. The usage of technology and adoption of community approach helps achieve this.


January 1, around 2032 AD, the `People First' Corporation [PFC] at Shamshabad SEZ is celebrating its silver jubilee. The whole 200 acre facility is in a festival mood. A variety of events mark the occasion. These consists of seminars, cultural events, sports and athletic meets and above all, a "reunion" of the PFC's 5000 strong workforce and family members with a panel of 500 odd group of PFC veterans, not employed by PFC now, but forming what is generally known as the PFC Satellites. Many of these veterans, some of them are the founding members of the organization, have brought their family members with them for the occasion and some of them have their children working presently with PFC. The reunion has networking sessions and business meetings with industry thought leaders, besides many social events. This is "once in five years" event, highly publicized and emotionally charged where nostalgia blends with professional interactions, spread over a couple of days. PFC, a very progressive business corporation in the hardware segment, was the pioneer in India way back in 2007 to introduce the "satellites scheme" to maintain a continuous work-life relationship with all its associates over their life time, irrespective of their employment span with PFC at any point of time. "Once a PFC-Ian, always a PFC-Ian", was the motto of the Satellites Scheme. The satellite PFC-Ian docked with the PFC mother ship at regular intervals through a variety of professional, business and social assignments is carefully integrated into the business strategy of the company. The five yearly "reunions" marked the landmark nodes in the "people rich" policy tapestry of the corporation and it was always and every time a "win-win" formula for all the constituents of the PFC communitythe current associates and the satellite members.

The PFC story is not a leaf from any corporate "utopia" or a figment of imagination. But a very possible and desirable real life business scenario, highlighting the cardinal need to support life with a "work-based" relationship management, to enrich human work adding meaning to life and supporting post-work lifespan of all those who can make a contribution to work itself, irrespective of their current life stations or business/social affiliations. "The Satellite Concept" is a natural extension of work-based relationships for mutual support a panel of advisors and counsels available to the organization and a life support avenue to the ex-associates in times of social or economic crisis.


HRM Review Magazine, Business Opportunity, Human Dimension, People First Corporation, PFC, PFC Satellites, Job-Career Framework, Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Social Networking, Private Sector Banks, Economic Crisis, Mid-life Crisis, Social Networking, Satellite Groups.