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HRM Review Magazine:
Creativity from Educational Perspective : A Relook

Creativity is the byproduct of cognition, which is needed the most for any organization in today's challenging world. Earlier, the scope of creativity was restricted to fields of art and science, and is understood as intelligence. But today, the nature of creativity can be understood more in depth and scope. This being the fact, creativity should be given more scope to grow and its importance should be emphasized throughout the education system so that everyone can have divergent ideas to a particular viewpoint. And, teaching is a two-way learning. The article emphasizes the need to relook so that India's rich human resource can be highly creative.


Creativity is a very important aspect of learning. This is defined as the use of one's intellect to produce novel and meaningful ideas (Morgan, 1993). Creativity enables an individual to have an edge over others. Earlier, the scope of creativity was restricted to fields of art and science and understood to be the same as intelligence, but today, the nature of creativity can be understood more in depth and scope. Its application is wide spread to all spheres of life. At any point of time, it is opined that creativity can be enhanced, with an ability to perceive things differently. It can be harnessed for the development of one's own self, family and also the organization to which she/he belongs. A research conducted by Morgan in 1993, shows that college students specializing in such fields as Math/Physics are on the verge of their most creative period. Major innovations in these fields, most often, come from people who are in their 20s. It is a known fact that, one requires a long time to unlearn any thing which has become a habit. Hence, it is wise to learn in the right manner.

In the present challenging world, creativity is the by-product of cognition, which is most needed in any organization. Unfortunately, the importance of creativity/creative thinking is emphasized more in the later stages of an individual i.e., at the undergraduate/post graduate/employed stages. This can be substantiated with an observation. In an MBA institute, during the counseling session, most of the students had an average/borderline average score on creativity. Creativity is one of the subscales of 16 personality factors' test which was developed by Cattell (1974).


HRM Review Magazine, National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education, NACCCE, Education System, Decision-Making Process, Creative Thinking, Organizations Culture, Intelligence Theory, Innovative Organizations, Business Organizations, Social Environment, Human Resources, Problem Solving Processes.