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HRM Review Magazine:
HR Portal : An Emerging Trend in Organizations

The way the HR processes are being handled has been changing. Nowadays, we see the ubiquitous presence of HR portals in many organizations, and the rest may have to adopt these sooner or later. The HR portals have been both a boon and a curse for various organizations. This article describes in detail the HR portals, their role and scope, and the implementing procedures. HR portals, by keeping a link with the employees, may help the HR management to plan the future growth of the organizations. HR portals may be developed further by adding more facilities with an increase in the artificial intelligence and computing power.


Intranet portals are sometimes referred to as Enterprise Information Portals (EIP) or Business to Employee i.e., B2E portals. In its simplest form, a portal provides a single interface for a user that needs information and access to a decentralized, diverse set of IT resource by making use of the most recently developed software and programs. (Harris et al., 2002)

There are several different types of portals (Scott; 2005, Loya and Slappy). External portals or Extranets like customer self-service portal caters to the needs of customers, partners and employees. Internal portals or Intranets like employee portal or HR portal serves as a communication tool and an aggregator of corporate information, which includes employee phone book and content search engine (Hopkins and Markham). The presentation of such a wealthy integrated information and easy navigation can save user's time, satisfies his inquisitiveness and removes frustration. Most of the companies are modernizing their HR portals. They are seeking to add real-time data or links back to HR systems. They are examining HR portal packages as pure-play providers, which can be quickly implemented. This provides a good, standard set of portal-based functionality, right out of the box. Knowledgeworkers portal is aimed at providing the particulars of employees developed as process portals i.e., it provides knowledge and updates the employees' information (Ruta; 2005). This further serves as a knowledge provider to the employees and makes them aware of the nature of their jobs. This may also make job rotation and job transfer easier.


HRM Review Magazine, HR Portal, Emerging Trend in Organizations, Enterprise Information Portals, EIP, Communication Tools, Business Intelligence, Information Technology, Promotion Policy, Product Development, IT Revolutions, Commercial Software Companies, Competence Management , Information Gateways, Modern IT Systems, Business Strategies, HRM Practices, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Communication System, CRM Applications.