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HRM Review Magazine:
Post-separation HR : Way to Bid Adieu

The art of post-separation HR management commands such importance that it forms a major part of the general Human Resources Management policy of an insightful employer. Truly speaking, an employee, particularly the one who exits honorably either on superannuation or for other acceptable reasons, develops an inseparable emotional bond that binds him to his employer. The warmth of the handshake is transmitted to the departing employee in the form of terminal benefits package.


Men may come and men may go, but the corporate goes on for ever," sounds true if the well-known old adage is modified and applied in the context of Human Resources Management (HRM). It is these `men', manning the business that matter to the corporate. Those `who go', sow the seeds leaving their own fragrance lingering behind. And those `who come', nurture these seeds, mulched by the fragrance, into fuller growth. If at all any business house is able to sport proudly a set of bright financials, the achievement is fully attributable only to the `men' behind it. If the words of Abraham Lincoln can be applied to a corporate, a business corporate is an organization `of the people, by the people and for the people'. The corporate is of the people, the shareholders, who float it. It is by the people, the Human Resources, who manage it. And it is for the people, the clientele who support it. Then do not those, who have sown the seed, deserve equal consideration as is given to the shareholders, `in-harness HR' and clientele? Here arises the need for a sound policy for `Post-separation HR' management.

Ipso facto, it is an art which an earnest host shows towards those who leave after a sprightly banquet. The spirit behind post-separation HR management is an expression of appreciation, gratitude and acknowledgement of the service contribution. Of course, those who leave for wrong reasons as a result of disciplinary action do not need any sympathetic or humane considerations. Truly speaking, an employee, particularly the one who exits honorably either on superannuation or for other acceptable reasons, develops an inseparable emotional bond that binds him to his employer subconsciously. It is a bond, beyond all the terms of the work covenant, transcending even the ceremonial handshake. The warmth of the handshake is transmitted to the departing employee in the form of terminal benefits package. It is also an attempt to extend continued succor to the separated employee, wherever possible.


HRM Review Magazine, Post-separation HR, Human Resources Management, HRM, HR Management, Voluntary Retirement Schemes, HRM Strategies, Public Sector Organizations, Training and Development Programs, HR Management Policies, Psychological Approaches, Management Practices, Provident Fund, Voluntary Retirement Schemes .