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Global CEO Magazine:
Advertainment : A Promotion Tool

Advertainment describes in-film product placement and merging of advertising and entertainment. The term `Advertainment' was coined by J Deery. The term in this article's context stands for in-film product placements and merging of advertising and film-based entertainment. The article focuses on the unique appeal of advertainment as a marketing and advertising tool for brand managers. It projects advertainment as a cheaper, alternative media for greater visibility and return for promotions. The article also traces the history, effectiveness, advantages, future prospects and relationships involved in advertainment.


J Deery coined the term "Advertainment" in his semi nal work in 2004 to describe in-film product placement and merging of advertising and entertainment. Balasubramanian, S K (1994) in his research work, Beyond Advertising and Publicity: Hybrid messages and public policy issues, Journal of Advertising, defined in-film product placement/in-film promotion as a paid product message aimed at influencing movie audiences via the planned and unobtrusive entry of a branded product into a movie. Henceforth, the terms advertainment and in-film promotion have been used interchangeably. In-film promotion are more in use as consumers have become more product-savvy and more jaded about the thousands of product messages aimed at them each day (Balasubramanian, 1994). Hoyer & Mac Inn through their research in 2001 have established in-film promotions as the solution to `zipping' (the process of skipping past commercials by fast forwarding) and `zapping' (the process of skipping past commercials by changing the channel). In-film promotions are also in vogue to come up with new and creative ways to keep their brands and messages visible to the consumers.

Advertainment has a unique appeal as a marketing and advertising tool for brand managers and producers. They help the brand managers to connect with consumers by putting or depicting their product in a more manageable scenario. Research has found that positive portrayals of a product in movies can result in a positive intent to purchase the product featured in film, while negative portrayals can be a reason for discontinuing the use of a product (Morton & Friedman, 2002). The above research findings serve as strong motivators for brand managers and other product sponsors to continue to grow in this area of communication. On the back of a slowing economy, advertainment offers a cheaper, alternative media for greater visibility and return for promotions to brand managers and CEOs.


Global CEO Magazine, Advertising Tool, Advertising Climate, Return on Investment, ROI, Strategic Tools, Promotional Expenditure, Brand Awareness, Global Truth, Brand Promotion, Symbiotic Relationship, Global Giant.