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Global CEO Magazine:
Leaders for the Next Generation : The Importance of Values and Ethics in the Organization's Culture

Present organization and business situation requires that leaders be, not only in tune with others, but with themselves as well. The capacity to be self-reflective is essential, as many followers may be cynical and apathetic about the current state of leadership. A leader can change the organizational culture toward greater effectiveness by considering followers as valuable relationships and ethics as a method of relationship building. This article explores the deeper dimensions of values and ethics, the dynamics and power of organizational culture, and the role of leadership values and behaviors, as it relates to relationships within the organization thus affecting the organizational culture.


The study of leadership continues to seek ways to define, suggest, and provide a description of good leadership. As scholars and practitioners seek to advance the topic, varying opinions arise as to what it takes to transform, sustain, manage, and drive organizations and, most importantly, its followers.It seems, due to the overwhelming opinions and isolated discussions on different aspects of leadership, the deep personal values, behaviors, and ethics of the individual himself becomes more of an addendum lumped in with leadership style or preference. Additionally, isolating the conversation as a matter of only leadership gives way for a relaxed view of the personal and social relationship between people in an organization. As such, value alignment, ethics, and their impacts on organizational culture remain to be developing components in the role of leadership development. There is much empirical literature on ethics, as well as literature on leadership. However, there is very little empirical literature on ethical leadership and its correlation with values and behavior. Additionally, there is much literature on values and ethics as a way to form compliance or a code of conductexpected of employees with little consideration to the moral and social implications of the organizational culture and the relationships developed within the organization. Leadership scholars and practitioners would be remiss if they did not consider the moral implications of leadership in the life and culture of the organization. These moral implications have broad influence and consequences in organizational life and are important int he discussionof leadership.


Global CEO Magazine, Organizational Culture, Eempirical Literature, Ethical Compliance, Risk Management, Organizational Values, Leaderships Values, Organizational Goal, Interpersonal Skills, Interpersonal Relationships, Relational Intelligence, Ethical Policy.