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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
The `Magic Mirror' in Fashion Retailing : Trial Room of the Future
: Pooja S Kushwaha

The trial room is an integral part of modern fashion and lifestyle retailing. But there are several problems and limitations associated with the conventional trial room including the risk of voyeurism. The `Magic Mirror' based on Radio Frequency Identification technology offers the alternative of trying on clothes virtually without actually wearing them. The technology is in commercial use in several countries, but the usage is limited because of the high cost. However as with all new technologies, the cost is expected to reduce drastically in the years to come paving way for its widespread usage.


Being in tune with the latest fashion is becoming increasingly important to the urban Indian middle class. And fashion itself keeps changing quite fast. Further, the definition of what is the current and acceptable fashion also varies with the individual. Indians are now shopping much more frequently for clothing and related accessories than they used to before. They also often prefer visiting the branded outlets that sell fashion and lifestyle products to the conventional `unbranded' stores.

With the opening up of 51% foreign direct investment in single brand retailing, many world-renowned fashion brands have either already entered the Indian market or are waiting in the wings to do so. Prominent Indian business houses too have entered this field. The branded and organized textile and apparel outlets offer a much wider variety under one roof, and at times, also have tantalizing promotions and discounts. In addition, many stores stock cosmetics, jewelry and other complementary products related to personal grooming.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Fashion Retailing, Brand Retailing, Fashion Brands, Lifestyle Products, Visual Merchandizing, Pantaloon Retail India Limited, PRIL, Trial Rooms, Magical Mirror, Virtual Mirror, Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, Technological Innovations, Inventory Planning.