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Global CEO Magazine:
Campus hiring comes of age

The article studies and analyzes the process of campus hiring, apart from listing the learning and action points emerging from the study, for the benefit of students, recruiters and the Bschools.


Campus Hiring is one of the most important aspects for the companies for a long time now. The forwardlooking and growthdriven companies see campus hiring as an annual activity in line with HR Planning to attract and tap the talent at the source to nurture them as future managers. Some companies use it as a brand promotion activity to create and enhance the perception about the professional way in which they run their businesses. Whatever be the reason, campus hiring is a significant way of augmenting the entry level human resource of an organization. Therefore, companies always plan well ahead of time to get the best talent available. Nowadays, there is a competition among the recruiters to reach the campus at the earliest to get the best in the field for selection.

From the Bschool perspective, the students who are available for placement are the potential ambassadors of the Bschool as they are going to create favorable or unfavorable impression not only in the minds of the recruiters, but also on the junior batches of students aspiring to join the Bschool.

Also, from the Bschool perspective, its reputation and the ultimate objective lie in its ability to find attractive jobs for its students with attractive paypackages in reputable national and international companies. The success of a Bschool's placement directly reflects its marketstanding and hence the popularity of the courses offered by it.


Global CEO Magazine, Campus Hiring, HR Planning, International Companies, Manpower Employment, Group Interaction Test, Online Aptitude Test, Ability Assessment, Interpersonal Relations, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Geographical Areas, Internship Programs.