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Global CEO Magazine:
Emotional labor : Management control

Many a time, employees emotions and feelings are manipulated. The management demands the employees to show controlled emotional performance when they deal with their internal and external customers. Emotions are a basic and necessary part of ones work culture, but how to manage and make use of these emotions for the benefit of organizations and individuals is a matter that needs to be explored through emotion regulation and control. This article discusses how management can use emotional labor as a workcontrol strategy and gain out of it.


The term "control" can refer to both regulation of one's own behavior and alignment of external demands with one's behavior. Organizational culture controls the emotions of labor on collective occasions and during normative pressures. Often real emotions are controlled by employees themselves or the management attempts to shape their expressive behavior because of job demands. Unfortunately, the extent to which employees engage in this regulation is associated with stressrelated physiological arousal. This situation may have a negative impact on the employee, resulting in a burnout.

According to Kanfer, `emotion control' refers to bothself and management regulatory processes. `Emotion Regulation' means the employee modifying his own emotions and expressions and controlling them in his own way with the freedom given by the culture of that organization. In many organizations, the culture controls the employees' freedom of speech and their feelings. In today's world, when customers belong to different parts of the world and their demands are huge, it is the employees, especially those in the service industry, who serve them that are under tremendous pressure.


Global CEO Magazine, Emotional Labor, Management Control, Organizational Culture, Emotion Regulation, Emotional Intelligence, Educational Services, Managerial Strategies, Banking Sector, Service Industry, Business Services, Scientific Management, General Motors, Management Demands.