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Global CEO Magazine:
Workforce diversity and conflict management in global economy

Workforce diversity is gathering momentum in the organizations. The issues of workforce diversity are being recognized and addressed only of late because organizations, till recent past, had workforce of relatively homogeneous nature.


In changed business scenario of globalization, the nature of workforce composition is becoming more and more heterogeneous in terms of the demographics of the workforce. In almost every unit of organization, we find the employees drawn from different geographical areas, different religions, different castes etc. Whereas, earlier, may be around 10 to 15 years back, people working in a particular organization, were drawn mostly from the same geographical area.

The article discusses the very nature of workforce diversity, some important factors leading to conflict generation, different stakeholders responsible for creating and managing the workforce conflict. The article is of great significance and relevance for Indian economy and global economy for mainly two reasons: One, currently, Indian economy and global economy are witnessing an unprecedented booming scenario. Two, India and world is full of diversity in terms of geography, religions, cultures, practices, beliefs etc.

The anthropological approach focuses on cultural awareness (Fernandez, 1991; Lamphere, 1993; Locke, 1992). Employees are challenged to "walk a mile" in another person's shoes and to develop empathic understanding of others. Understanding why various cultures have adopted the different traditions that support their ways of living are explored. People need to experience some degree of immersion in a culture or subculture in order to raise awareness and appreciate differences.


Global CEO Magazine, Workforce Diversity, Global Economy, Geographical Areas, Global Economy, Anthropological Approach, Indian Economy, Cultural Awareness, Sociopsychological Approach, Organizational Dynamics, Geographical Commonality, Leadership Skills.