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The `Write' Side of Public Relations

Writing is an integral part of a PR practitioner's life. Nimish Dubey traces the snakes and ladders of it.If you are working in public relations there is a fair chance that you will be associated with media interaction, client servicing, high-level presentations, conceiving strategies for communication, organizing events, and a host of other things.

What I can confidently predict you will NOT be associated with is toiling away at a desk (or a desktop), attempting to write a good copy.It may sound a trifle hard to believe but that is exactly what a number of public relations (henceforth PR) professionals do. In fact, you will be hard pressed to come across a competent PR person who does not possess decent, if not exceptional, writing skills. The reason for this is simple. Many of the most important tools used in PRfrom the humble press release to the detailed product backgrounder to the hi-tech presentationneed good writing to be truly effective. It may not be its most glamorous function, but writing is definitely an integral, and I dare say, even an essential part of PR.

Contrary to the popular perception that PR is basically all about face-to-face interaction and telephone conversations, the fact is effective writing lies at the core of most PR efforts. PR practitioners find themselves putting pen to paperor finger to keyboardquite frequently. What's more, their writing efforts are targeted at a varied audience, the major ones being


Public relations,media interaction, client servicing, high-level presentations, conceiving strategies, communication, organizing events, competent , telephone conversations, PR efforts,PR practitioners,interaction.