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The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management :
Characteristics and Necessary Abilities of the Knowledge Worker

This paper intends to project the traits relevant to the knowledge worker in the strategic, managerial and operational levels, according to the perspective of Human Resources Managers. An exploratory research of qualitative character was conducted, with the intentional sample of `Human Resources Managers of 20 companies of Ponta Grossa city, Paraná, Brazil'. The analysis of the results display the ideal profile-a versatile and multifunctional worker whose predominant emotional characteristic is self-regulation, a trait that enables him to work in teams, empowering him to deal with different situations in his daily work. The ideal profile also includes informational and organizational abilities, cognitive and emotional abilities.

The capital contributed by tangible assets is no longer `the most valuable' in the knowledge society. A more valuable asset has come into existance: the intellectual capital, or human capital.The importance of the worker has been restored after a period of uncertainty brought about by technological innovations that confronted him with the risk of being replaced by an automated machine.In this context, the modern worker's profile calls for technical, cognitive and emotional abilities. He does not have the profile of a mere `nut tighter' or a profile which limits him to observe a serial production process anymore. He is expected to processes information using technological resources and intellectual skills, and in turn,the knowledge amassed in this process will be applied to his routine tasks.

He needs to keep a watchful eye on the global market. At any instance, he would be required to make decisions that could be decisive to his organization's future, which inturn, would affect his career and life.This paper intends to portray the characteristics of knowledge workers based on the theoretical review of several authors, as well as to delineate the profile of the knowledge workers for the operational, managerial and strategic levels, in Ponta Grossa city, Paraná, Brazil, for the next three years.


Characteristics and Necessary Abilities of the Knowledge Worker, Resources Managers, intentional sample, work in teams,organizational abilities, intellectual capital, or human capital, technological, modern workers, production process, intellectual skills, global market, operational managerial organization, service sector, agro-industry, new economy, structural capital systems.