
The IUP Journal of Soft Skills


Besides acquiring academic and technical credentials which are industry-specific, development of soft skills is most critical to become a vibrant and effective workforce today. Despite the increase in the number of engineering or management graduates, it is reported that a large number of them are predicted to be ineffective because they lack foundational "soft skills." Employers state that the young people entering the workforce today are woefully lacking in the "soft" or applied skills—such as communication, attitude, teamwork and decision making—that help them to carve success as managers in their chosen area of specialization. Despite the mushrooming institutions, employers across industries decry that job applicants in India lack the basic skills needed to succeed in a job and the new hires are not sure of tasks like writing professional mails or organizing and prioritizing tasks, etc. The prominent characteristics desired among the new hires by the employers today are communication, initiative, sound interpersonal skills, work ethics and excellent teamwork. Interestingly, research also suggests that soft skills like critical thinking, problem solving, professionalism, etc. are not just important for first-time employees alone. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), workplace soft skills are not just desired for the freshers but are also critical for the experienced professionals. Now the question as to how the soft skills can be imparted continues to plague the educators. Soft skills cannot be inculcated in a vacuum nor can they be imparted easily. Rather, such array of skills must be introduced, developed, practiced, reinforced and polished in day-to-day life. The first paper, "Changing Paradigm of Employability Skills in the Global Business World: A Review", by Ashita Bhagra and Dinesh Kumar Sharma, presents a systematic review of perspectives on employability of the youth today. From the past studies, the paper presents profound insights on the ways in which the demand of the industry to develop the desired competencies can be met without losing the emphasis on technical skills.

As India stands at the threshold of digital revolution, it demands sophisticated workforce with cutting-edge skills to create, innovate and execute business solutions. The freshly turned out professional graduates face numerous challenges which test their industry-readiness bundled with technical or domain knowledge along with the soft skills. The paper, "Soft Skills: An Employability Enabler", by Vandana Sharma, makes an attempt to understand graduates' acquaintance with soft skills, their importance, and their impact on building a professional career. It provides the need impetus to find out ways and means to enlarge the soft skills for increasing the employability quotient of graduates.

The paper, "The Science of Persuasion: A Brief Study of Its Theoretical Framework", by Madhulika Panda, is an attempt to present the growing importance of persuasion in the managerial setting. The paper presents some of the techniques and theories which help in mastering the art of persuasion in everyday business.

The hesitation of the valiant Arjuna to fight the Mahabharata war against own brothers gave rise to the ancient scripture the Bhagavad Gita, a profound discourse given by Lord Krishna. Gita offers scintillating ideas and dazzling insights for individual development and acts as a catalyst for personality development. In the paper, "Individual Development in the Light of the Bhagavad Gita", the author, K S Sivakumar, presents how the process of self-development involves the subjugation/sublimation of the physical dimension under the psychological dimension and the subjugation of the psychological dimension under the spiritual dimension. It presents the Bhagavad Gita's perception of personality development, the ethical theory of deontology, desires management, anger management, mind management and emotional stability.

"The opposite of self-assertiveness is self-abnegation—abandoning or submerging your personal values, judgment, and interests. Some people tell themselves this is a virtue. It is a 'virtue' that corrodes self-esteem," says Nathaniel Branden. The paper, "Assertiveness – A Win-Win Approach to Business Communication", by Mitashree Tripathy, highlights the crucial role of communication in everyday life. It emphasizes that the importance of communication is not restricted to family or friends but also has enormous significance in the business world.

A world dominated by technology and innovation demands employees who unleash their creativity at work. This demands a culture which nurtures creativity and encourages risk taking propensity. However, not all organizations provide such opportunities which demand initiative and risk. The paper, "Breaking Paradigms for Creativity and Success", by Revathi Turaga, presents several ideas and insights to create a context for the employees to brainstorm and generate new ideas leading to innovation.

Individual's skills, abilities and attitudes are the most indispensable assets of the organizations. Rachna Sharma's review of the book, Skills for Employability:

A Handbook, presents the invaluable ideas in the book in a succinct and interesting manner.

-Mendemu Showry
Consulting Editor

Article   Price (₹) Buy
Changing Paradigm of Employability Skills in the Global Business World: A Review
Soft Skills: An Employability Enabler
The Science of Persuasion: A Brief Study of Its Theoretical Framework
Individual Development in the Light of the Bhagavad Gita
Assertiveness – A Win-Win Approach to Business Communication
Breaking Paradigms for Creativity and Success
Book Review Skills for Employability: A Handbook

Changing Paradigm of Employability Skills in the Global Business World: A Review
Ashita Bhagra and Dinesh Kumar Sharma

Soft skills form an essential aspect of the management graduates' employability in confronting competitive situations effectively. Higher education (HE) is entrusted with the responsibility of inculcating soft skills beyond technical knowledge that students acquire at the B-School. Earlier, good academic credentials were enough for a rewarding career, but today, students need to assess the professional landscape and prepare themselves technically as well as hone their employability skills to gain and retain their job. Over the last two decades, the perspective on employability of youth has changed dramatically from defining required attributes and skills, to measuring them and embedding them in the curriculum of HE. In the past few years, the competencies required by the industry have altered considerably due to technological innovations. The focus of the paper is to traverse the gamut of perspectives related to the paradigm of employability and assess future skills requirement.

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Soft Skills: An Employability Enabler
Vandana Sharma

The present age of digitization demands dynamism from its workforce. To be able to create, innovate and execute well is expected of the manpower being churned out of the knowledge centers. The freshly turned out professional graduates are put on trial for a job and their knowledge, skills and attitude are gauged to see their industry-readiness. Along with technical or domain knowledge, the graduates are assessed on soft skills. The role of soft skills in service economy has surpassed all the realms of wisdom. The present study, conceptual in nature, is an attempt to understand graduates' awareness about soft skills, their importance, and the impact soft skills have on building their professional career. A major thrust is put on finding out ways and means to develop soft skills for increasing the employability quotient of graduates.

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The Science of Persuasion: A Brief Study of Its Theoretical Framework
Madhulika Panda

Persuasion is one of the commonest communicative activities in the contemporary business setup. It is in fact a very effective tool for managerial success. Persuasion demands understanding of the concerns, positions and objectives of the audience and is the process of finding meaningful benefits and creative solutions, keeping in view the needs of the audience. It is a vast science with well-defined theories and techniques. The paper attempts to study some of these techniques and theories, the knowledge of which can help achieve persuasive goals in everyday business.

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Individual Development in the Light of the Bhagavad Gita
K S Sivakumar

An attempt is made in the paper to discuss individual development in the light of the Bhagavad Gita. The need arises primarily due to the fact that while the western worldview recognizes interpersonal skills as the most dominating factor in an individual's qualitative development, the Bhagavad Gita expounds the importance and development of the intrapersonal skills for the holistic development of individuals. According to the Bhagavad Gita, an individual/self is a combination of three dimensions: physical, psychological and spiritual. The process of self-development involves the subjugation/sublimation of the physical dimension under the psychological dimension and the subjugation/sublimation of the psychological dimension under the spiritual dimension. In the background of the Bhagavad Gita, we may develop an Indian version of soft skills and that of humanities and social sciences that would make this world a better place to live in.

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Assertiveness – A Win-Win Approach to Business Communication
Mitashree Tripathy

Communication is a part of everyday life which guides all our relationships. Hence, the importance of communication is not restricted merely to family or friends but also has enormous significance in the business world. A large number of studies suggest that the professional life and its outcomes are decisively influenced by the way we communicate with subordinates, colleagues and managers. We often get stressed in our professional field due to a number of reasons. While we do not really want to hurt the sentiments of others, still we end up being rude or harsh, resulting in breakdown in communication and rupturing professional relationships. All efforts to bridge the gap and rebuild the relationship do not yield satisfying results. There are several reasons for such breakdown in communication. Stress is not the only reason for communication breakdown. Essentially, if the flow of communication can take various modes without the pressure of any external factor, it could be avoided. Hence, it is highly critical that words chosen to communicate, especially during testing situations, crucially match the needs of the participants and demands of the situation. This paper studies the different kinds of communication styles and focuses most essentially on the assertive style, mainly in business. It also provides examples as guidance to assertive communication and imparts knowledge on saying 'no' assertively.

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Breaking Paradigms for Creativity and Success
Revathi Turaga

"Ideas... Ideas... Ideas... bring us more ideas... we need more ideas... we need to be creative... we need to be more innovative..." ...words that one hears a lot from almost every organization as well as employees these days. A deeper probe into the situations however many times shows that not all organizations encourage and foster the culture of creativity within, and not all create space and time for their employees to think creatively and innovatively. But studies also show that even in organizations where there is a culture of creativity and encouragement to constantly brainstorm and generate ideas, there is a dearth of innovation. This happens because of the paradigms that we create for ourselves in every situation and context. This paper explores some such paradigms and how we can break them to think creatively to achieve success again and again.

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Book Review Skills for Employability: A Handbook
M Sen Gupta

Reviewed by Rachna Sharma

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