Pub. Date | : Mar, 2021 |
Product Name | : Effective Executive |
Product Type | : Coaching and Mentoring |
Product Code | : EECM60321 |
Author Name | : Colin Coulson-Thomas |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Management |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 15 |
Covid-19 lockdowns, local restrictions and resulting slowdowns and/or recessions have had many consequences. New ways of working, virtual operation and alternative business and organizational models have been more widely adopted and reviews of corporate purpose, policies and priorities have been undertaken. As a result of the pandemic and reimagining, reinvention, repurposing, revisioning, transition and transformation conversations, there may also be a need to discuss their consequences for the measurement of productivity and performance. There are differing national and sectoral impacts and various externalities, uncertainties and consequences of new and different ways of working and operating to consider. These can change over time. Assessments can reflect assumptions made. They should be comprehensive, balanced and allow time for new arrangements to settle. Responsible leaders should ensure that assessments of outputs, productivity and performance reflect externalities and address wider natural capital, environmental and social concerns and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Covid-19 lockdowns, local restrictions and consequential slowdowns and/ or recessions have resulted in new ways of working and operating practices, related changes of business and organizational models, and reviews of corporate purpose, policies and priorities (Coulson-Thomas, 2019a and 2019b). Within many boards and