Pub. Date | : Mar, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJED020323 |
Author Name | : John NkeobunaNnahUgoani |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Management Journals |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 16 |
Excellent management is often methodical and conservative. Therefore, effective leadership is always required to drive entrepreneurship sustainability. Leaders play primary and accessory roles. The primary roles include the leader's role as a visionary and planner, while the accessory roles include that of being a role model because of his position in the organization. A leader needs to guide the corporation on strategic goals and targets and be involved in short and long-term planning in the organization. There will always be the need to delegate duties where possible, and as far down the organizational hierarchy as practicable, consistent with ability and competence. Sustainability can thrive more through effective management education, training and development so as to create knowledge-based entrepreneurship culture as a foundation for a learning organization. Creating a learning organization is a global imperative because, ultimately, the leaders of the future require four important traits. They need to master internal markets and have a keen sense of external markets; they need to have a great relationship with people, a sound idea of ICTs, and a good understanding of how to perform exceptionally everywhere in the world. The study recommends that management succession planning driven by leadership must become a strategic game changer for global entrepreneurship sustainability.
Leadership involves inspiring and guiding individuals and groups, a role that aims at getting others to do their jobs more effectively. At the apex of any human organization is the leader who is responsible for planning for the growth, performance and survival of the organization. As entrepreneur, the organizational leader plays the decisional role of committing organizational resources to develop and innovate goods and services. Leadership in organizations provides the important interpersonal role of setting good examples and providing direction concerning the use of financial, material and other resources to achieve goals.