Pub. Date | : April, 2021 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Applied Economics |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJAE50421 |
Author Name | : GRK Murty |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Economics |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 26 |
Dr. Marapalli Govinda Rao was born on April 7, 1947 in Korangrapady village, about 3 miles south of Udupi town in Karnataka. Growing up under the tutelage of his mother, who managed the family and the farm and cattle, while his father was working away from home, young Rao stood up to the expectations of his mother by studying in a school that was three miles away from home and passing every class regularly.
Passing through the vicissitudes of village life-"planting trees, growing
vegetables, plucking wild fruits, working in the farm and tending to cattle"-
garnering rustic wisdom, enthusiastic Rao, as he grew, became more
persistent and determined to construct his life and circumstances more
coherently to become somebody.
When he wanted to study BSc with Maths, Physics and Chemistry, the
head of the department of Physics, MGM College, who never took a liking
for him, told that he was unfit to study science. This village lad, realizing
that even if he had secured admission by begging, he would have to survive
his disliking for him for three years, decided to study BA with Economics.
At the behest of his elder brother, Prof. U R Rao, he joined Gujarat University