Pub. Date | : April, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJCS010423 |
Author Name | : Pius Uagbae Ejodamen, Celestine Uche Agwi and Sylvester Israel Ebhonu |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Management |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 14 |
Big Data is an all-encompassing term that refers to the accumulation of data in large pools employed in today's global corporate world. Twitter is one such Big Data platform with over millions of tweets daily. Reading through the humongous volume of tweets posted with reference to an event such as a movie is practically impossible. Anikulapo is a movie of Nigerian origin that became the most viewed non-English film within a few weeks of its release on Netflix and in cinemas. The movie has been trending on social media, especially Twitter. While some reviews considered the movie as a literary masterpiece with several lessons to be learnt from it, some are either critical or indifferent. The paper explores the efficacy of analyzing the sentiments expressed on Twitter about the movie "Anikulapo" using Big Data Analytics. Data was programmatically obtained from Twitter using Twitter Application Programming Interface (API). Purposive sampling technique was adopted for sampling the reviews, and the major criterion for selecting a review was the inclusion or presence of the word "Anikulapo" in an original tweet, not retweet. Python programming language, Tweepy, TextBlob and Pandas were used for downloading, wrangling, cleaning, and analyzing the data. The findings showed that most tweets expressed positive sentiments, and the analysis of engagement metrics showed that tweets with positive sentiments received more likes.
Creativity is not enough to describe Afolayan as his "out of the box" mindset is seen in a fantastic film idea. The title alone is intriguing, and the introduction of a whole supernatural point of view is worth applauding (Oladotun, 2022). The above extract is from one of the reviews of the movie Anikulapo, which was premiered on September 2022 and has since then triggered a lot of comments and reactions from many who have watched the movie.
Opinion mining, Sentiment analysis, Movie reviews, Anikulapo, Nollywood, Twitter, Big Data