Pub. Date | : April, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJOB020423 |
Author Name | : Perikala Umapathi and Shesadri Kiran Tharimala |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Arts & Humanities |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 19 |
Work From Home (WFH) is a recent trend in organizations to maintain and improve employee engagement. Studies have examined the impact of WFH experience on employee engagement. This study aims to test a comprehensive and integrated model of various constructs taken from the literature, to understand the impact of WFH on employee engagement. The results confirm that the factors of WFH experience had significant impact on employee engagement. The study found that the pull and push factors considered had moderating effect on the model. The model was also found to be empirically robust. Human resource practitioners should, therefore, take note of the factors that promote employee engagement. The study suggests that firms should formulate and adopt new strategies to strengthen WFH to motivate employees as well as to create employee loyalty.
The idea of Work From Home (WFH) represents a revolution in the way work is traditionally done. For a majority of employees, it was their first experience due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected almost every industry, including education. Employees in an organization range from recent graduates to highly experienced professionals (Sridevi, 2021). The idea of working in an organization where employees are not forced to commute to a single, central location is known as WFH. The terms "telework," "telecommuting," and "remote work" all refer to the same phenomenon. WFH has evolved over time. Because of the advancements in technology, employees can now operate successfully and efficiently without spending the entire day at their desks in the office. Employees across the world are now compelled to WFH due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Most nations, including India, urged workers to stay at home and steer clear of social events to prevent infections.
Studies have proved that working from home has advantages for both businesses and employees, as well as for society at large (Buciuniene et al., 2019). Since WFH is free from geographic conditioning, employers can choose from a larger talent pool. A