The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
Enhancing Consumer-Based Brand Equity Through Social Media Marketing: A Study of Luxury Brands in the Indian Market

Article Details
Pub. Date : May, 2023
Product Name : The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJMM010523
Author Name : Mohammad Furqan Khan, Anisa Jan, Mudasir Rasool Mir and Faseeh Amin Beig
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Marketing
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 32



The main objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of seven social media functionalities (Identity, Conversations, Sharing, Presence, Relationships, Reputation and Groups) on four components of consumer-based brand equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty) in relation to luxury brands. Casual research design was used to study the relationship between the latent variables using a sample of 336 young luxury brand consumers in two major Indian cities. The research instrument was adopted from the previous studies, and the measurement model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The data was analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique, identifying 24 significant relationships out of 28. This means most of the social media functionalities influence the brand equity components. These findings provide valuable guidelines and implications for business managers in relation to branding on social media networks. The findings would also help both marketers and social media website designers in influencing a brand's success using features of such networks.


Social Media (SM) has radically transformed the world with applications that allow people to create, innovate, share and receive information (Beig and Khan, 2018; Martin- Consuegra et al., 2018; and Zollo et al., 2020). Millions of active users on SM websites produce countless conversations, tweets, and videos every day which presents interactive opportunities for many entities (Sweeney and Craig, 2012). SM consumption is also on
