Expertise and Cognitive Development of Entrepreneurs
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cognitive development and expertise of entrepreneurs and the impact thereof on the success of entrepreneurship. The existing theory on success factors for entrepreneurs is lacking in relation to the cognitive development and expertise of entrepreneurs. A qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews with experienced entrepreneurs was conducted. Data analysis and interpretation were undertaken using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that experienced entrepreneurs are characterized by enhanced quality of thinking and depth of processing information. This gives them the capability to schematically map interconnections by identifying problems and designing solutions for complex opportunities. In addition, it appears that experience is compulsory for novices to develop into experts. Consequently, a prolonged duration of exposure is required for novices to develop expertise. An evaluation of faster and effective methods of transferring entrepreneurship experience is necessary to expedite expertise. More...
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Visionary Leadership and Entrepreneurial Vision Within Entrepreneurship
This study investigates how entrepreneurs and visionary leaders formulate a vision, how they think about vision, how visions arise and what should constitute a sound vision. The literature emphasizes the importance of visions or visioning as a core component of entrepreneurship, leadership, and strategy, and it showed a strong link between vision(ing) and innovation. The literature also suggests that there are several attributes of visions, as well as many vision types that may potentially segment the entrepreneurs visions. A qualitative approach was used for this study and interviews were carried out with experienced entrepreneurs. The study found that entrepreneurs generally have visions regarding their business ventures and opportunities. Most visions are structured, even though there are certain instances where visions are unstructured and spontaneous. Entrepreneurs regard the visioning process as crucial for their success and the consensus among the entrepreneurs interviewed is that visioning as a core competency can be developed. More...
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