The IUP Journal of English Studies
Multidisciplinary Hermeneutics: Plurality and Multiperspectivalism

Article Details
Pub. Date : June, 2022
Product Name : The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJES100622
Author Name :Sharanpal Singh
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Arts & Humanities
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 11



The paper deliberates on hermeneutics, not as it was used to interpret the scriptures, but its later application to the explication and interpretation of treatises, especially literary texts, its plurality and perspectival nature, as also its being not monologic but cognitive and dialogical. It brings together different disciplines, videlicet, sundry branches of philosophy, contemporary critical theory, politics, sociology, linguistics, cultural studies, religion, art and literature or humanistic studies, in general. It is for this purpose that the insights from earlier philosophers, like Hegel and Nietzsche, or later ones, like Mead, Dewey, Derrida Rorty, Bourdieu, and Ranciere, are helpful, but a text's significance and semantics can be comprehended holistically by taking cognizance of both discursive and nondiscursive aspects, the latter being more helpful concerning performing arts. The concept and its ambit of signification need constant revisiting and reappraising to maintain its relevance and efficacy.

The aim of this paper is to deliberate on 'hermeneutics (Gk. hermeneutikos) : its plurality and multiperspectival nature', apart from its being cognitive and dialogical. Once 'hermeneutic' was employed for interpreting of scriptural texts, but later used for interpreting literary works. Its avowed ambition has been to, at least partly, emulate philosophy, encompassing its twin domains of theoretic philosophy (epistemology, metaphysics) and practical philosophy (ethics and political theory). It strives to hold 'time in thought'. Hermeneutic's aesthetic dimension maps the genealogical and engenders cultural critique. Post-Postmodern's characteristics of difference and rupture are appraised cognitively.
