Brand Management
Role of Social Media Marketing in Long-Term Customer Retention: A Study with Reference to Luxury Brands in India

Article Details
Pub. Date : June, 2023
Product Name : The IUP Journal of Brand Management
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJBRM020623
Author Name : Brijesh Awasthi
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Marketing
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 15



Today, marketing strategies are influenced by social media. Social media empowers companies to inform, update, influence and retain existing customers easily, and on the other side, it provides the feedback and reviews of customers. Social media marketing enables companies to generate perceived brand trust, brand loyalty and brand attitude among customers to repurchase the companies' products and services. The paper analyzes the effect of social media marketing on Indian customers with regard to repeat purchase of branded products. Further, it explores the mediating effect of brand attitude, brand trust and brand loyalty on customer retention with regard to branded products. Data was collected from 18 metropolitan cities of India through an online questionnaire. The results indicate that social media marketing activities influence Indian customers' repurchase intention towards luxury products. Social media marketing professionals of companies need to keep updating the information on luxury products on social media for promoting and creating awareness of luxury products. Information about high-quality, long-lasting, futuristic and the 'must have' attributes of sustainable luxury products can help in sustainable customer retention and sustainable repurchase of luxury products. They also need to focus on social networking sites and other social media for feedback and reviews. Thus, social media marketing helps achieve customer retention through brand loyalty, brand trust and brand attitude.


Today, marketing strategies are influenced by social media, which empowers companies to inform, impress and retain existing consumers easily and receive feedback and reviews from customers. Social media marketing allows companies to generate perceived brand trust, brand loyalty and brand attitude. Many brands are collaborating with social influencers to attract their target consumers and make their presence felt on social media. Influencers not only promote but also defend the brand in social media (Awasthi et al., 2012). Social media marketing and social networking sites strengthen the association between the customer and the brand in the uncertain and competitive online and offline marketing environments.
