Pub. Date | : June, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJED010623 |
Author Name | : Shilpa D Korde and S V Sukthankar |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Management Journals |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 12 |
The study aims to evaluate the factors that influence citizens in availing e-governance services from social entrepreneurs operating Common Service Centers (CSCs) in the state of Goa, India. CSCs, managed by social entrepreneurs, also known as Village-Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), serve as intermediaries between the government and citizens, facilitating the delivery of e-governance services. The research methodology employs factor analysis to identify the factors affecting citizen adoption. Data was collected from 120 respondents across the state. The findings of the study reveal that ease of obtaining assistance, usefulness of CSCs, social influence, reliability, physical facilities, and trust are the significant influencing factors for citizens in availing e-governance services from social entrepreneurs in Goa. These factors shed light on the critical aspects that shape citizens' engagement with e-governance services facilitated by social entrepreneurs at CSCs. The findings have practical implications for the government, social entrepreneurs, and policymakers in enhancing the effectiveness and adoption of e-governance services.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a vital role in delivering e-governance services (Estevez and Janowski, 2013). In particular, e-governance transforms the way of working and improves the government's interaction with citizens with the help of ICTs. ICT has also altered public administration by transforming business and policy processes and external interactions (Meijer and Bekkers, 2015). There are several benefits of providing services through ICT over traditional means of services, such as less paperwork, elimination of wastage of resources, increased transparency, and so on (Dwivedi et al., 2017). Despite these benefits, there are specific reasons for the failure of e-governance initiatives due to low computer literacy and lack of Internet access.