Pub. Date | : June, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Soft Skills |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJSS040623 |
Author Name | : Prashant Ramrao Pawar |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Management |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 12 |
The paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of pertinent literature on the impact of motivation on student learning. Motivation is a key factor in determining students' engagement, effort and achievement in educational settings. With an exploration of various theoretical frameworks, empirical studies as well as practical applications, this paper seeks to shed light on the multifaceted relationship between motivation and student learning outcomes. The findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of how motivation can be effectively harnessed to enhance educational practices and promote optimal student learning experiences.
Motivation is widely recognized as a crucial factor that significantly influences student
learning outcomes in educational settings. Over the years, extensive research has been
conducted to explore the complex relationship between motivation and academic
achievement. With a focus on understanding the underlying mechanisms and identifying
effective strategies to enhance student motivation, the paper provides an up-to-date
review of the literature on the subject, drawing on recent theoretical perspectives and
empirical studies.
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) developed by Deci and Ryan (1985) posits that
intrinsic motivation, driven by personal interest, enjoyment and a sense of
accomplishment, plays a central role in fostering optimal learning experiences. Recent
studies have supported the positive influence of intrinsic motivation on student
engagement and academic achievement. For instance, a study by Ratelle et al. (2007)
found that students with high levels of intrinsic motivation demonstrated greater task
persistence and higher academic performance. Achievement Goal Theory (AGT), initially
proposed by Dweck (1986) and Nicholls (1989), has been instrumental in understanding
how different goal orientations influence motivation and learning. Recent research has
expanded on AGT by exploring new dimensions, such as the role of mastery-approach
goals and mastery-avoidance goals. For example, a study by Nolen and Haladyna (2018)