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IFRS 15 introduced a new approach to measure, recognize and present the annual revenue and related cash flows. This new standard may lead to considerable changes in the accounting practices, which will dissimilarly impact the financial statements of entities. Sameh Kobbi-Fakhfakh and Saoussen Boujelben, authors of the first paper, "The Effects of IFRS 15 Mandatory Adoption on Financial Statements", investigate whether the first-time mandatory transition led to main changes in the accounting methods resulting in significant effect on the financial statements. The authors have performed a content analysis of the narrative disclosure on IFRS 15 provided in the annual reports of 22 European Union groups belonging to nine European countries falling under two specific sectors. They have identified five top areas of changes in valuation methods and two aspects of changes in presentation methods, leading to material effect on the financial statements.

Kavita Laghate and Meghna Chotaliya, in the second paper, "Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth in India: An Analysis of Bank Branches, Deposits and Credits", feel that financial inclusion and inclusive growth are indispensable for the economic growth of a nation. The authors have examined the extent of growth in the two major banking parameters, aggregate deposits and aggregate credits of scheduled commercial banks. The study analyzed four parameters of financial inclusion with reference to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), and found that all parameters had a positive impact of the efforts taken by the government. The assessment revealed that the growth in rural areas and metropolitan regions for all the parameters of financial inclusion was more and at a greater rate for all the years under study.

In the third paper, "A Systematic Review of Dividend Announcement and Its Impact on the Stock Prices: Evidence from Indian Service Providing Companies", the authors, Pournima Dhume and Huma Makandar, have conducted a detailed and systematic review of dividend announcement and analyzed the effect of dividend announcement on stock prices of the service providing companies listed on National Stock Exchange of India. The study employed an event study methodology specifically on the service providing companies, and concluded that leakage of accounting information is possible but does not impact the share price; and increase in the dividend leads to more positive abnormal returns to the investors, which supports the efficient market hypothesis.

Companies strive to build powerful supply chains so that their products can reach the market faster, more efficiently and more economically compared to their competitors. In recent years, a greater number of companies across the globe are voluntarily adopting and implementing a broad range of sustainability practices. Since supply chains are vital to a company's operations and profitability, information about them is sought after by external stakeholders to assess the company's efficacy and sustainability. Basing on this aspect, the authors, Suresh Ramachandra and Dumitha Abeysinghe, of the last paper, "Ethical Supply Chain Disclosures: Are They Mere Fashion Statements?", have tested whether the ethical sustainability disclosures improve the value of the firms and the competitive advantages of firms in Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) certified countries or not. The authors have found that the firm value improved, but insignificantly, whereas the competitive advantages of firms have significantly improved. The study concludes that supply chain sustainability, clubbed with the financial benefits of energy and resource efficiencies, creates a competitive advantage for companies worldwide, when higher levels of Ethical and Sustainable Supply Chain (E&SSC) information is disclosed.

- P Bhanu Sireesha
Consulting Editor

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The Effects of IFRS 15 Mandatory Adoption on Financial Statements
Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth in India: An Analysis of Bank Branches, Deposits and Credits
A Systematic Review of Dividend Announcement and Its Impact on the Stock Prices: Evidence from Indian Service Providing Companies
Ethical Supply Chain Disclosures: Are They Mere Fashion Statements?
Contents : (Jul'21)

The Effects of IFRS 15 Mandatory Adoption on Financial Statements
Sameh Kobbi-Fakhfakh and Saoussen Boujelben

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the first-time mandatory transition from old to the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 15) "Revenue from contracts with customers", led to main changes in the accounting methods that affected significantly the financial statements. To carry out our research, we performed a content analysis of narratives, disclosed by 22 EU listed groups that belong to two specific industries, namely, telecommunication and construction sectors, for the year 2018. We followed a double coding procedure to extract cross groups and cross sectors matrices. We find that the switch to IFRS 15 drives main changes in top five areas of valuation methods and in two aspects of presentation methods. The identified main changes are distributed differently among all the sampled groups. However, these changes led to a material effect on the consolidated financial statements only in 31.8% of the studied groups. The main implication concerns the users of the financial statements analyzing historical data prior to 2018 from EU groups. Indeed, our study sheds light on whether the switch to the new revenue recognition standard led to a significant effect on financial statements and consequently profit recognition and related underlying trends. We are not aware of any prior empirical research which considers the effects of the IFRS 15 first-time implementation from a preparer's perspective by analyzing the narrative sections of the annual reports that explain the materiality that the IFRS 15 adoption has on the financial statements.

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Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth in India: An Analysis of Bank Branches, Deposits and Credits
Kavita Laghate and Meghna Chotaliya

Financial inclusion and inclusive growth are indispensable for the economic growth of a nation. Financial resources need to be distributed equitably to the unreached and poor sections of the society who have limited access to banking facilities. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a policy initiative of the Government of India in this direction. In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the extent of financial inclusion through banking activities in India post implementation of PMJDY considering banking growth and resultant financial inclusion by means of major banking variables such as deposits and credits of banks in India before 2014 and after 2014 (the year of implementation of PMJDY).

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A Systematic Review of Dividend Announcement and Its Impact on the Stock Prices: Evidence from Indian Service Providing Companies
Pournima Dhume and Huma Makandar

Dividend policy contributes significantly to the company's performance as well as its survival and growth. Formulation of such policy is a challenging task to the firm as it conveys positive signal about the company to its investors. In India, the impact of dividend announcement has been examined extensively, but its impact on the service sector companies is relatively unobserved. The purpose of this study is to conduct a detailed and systematic review of dividend announcement and analyze the effect of dividend announcement on stock prices of the service providing companies listed on National Stock Exchange of India. The study employs the event study methodology with an event window of 31 days. The study is carried out for a period ranging from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019. The findings of the study revealed that the stock prices react towards the dividend announcement event of the companies and thus there is a significant impact of dividend announcement on the stock prices during the event window which led to generation of abnormal returns.

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Ethical Supply Chain Disclosures: Are They Mere Fashion Statements?
Suresh Ramachandra and Dumitha Abeysinghe

The paper assesses whether Ethical and Sustainable Supply Chain (E&SSC) disclosures increase firm-values and competitive advantages of apparel manufacturing firms in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) certified countries. E&SSC disclosures by 40 apparel manufacturers from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Pakistan were compared with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework to ascertain the strength of disclosures. Multivariate analysis was employed to assess their impact on firm-values, measured by Tobin's Q, and competitive advantages using Organization Capital (OC) as the proxy. This study finds that E&SSC disclosures have a positive but not significant relationship with the values of firms. However, E&SSC disclosures were found to influence the competitiveness of firms positively and significantly, suggesting firms that disclose E&SSC matters have competitive advantages over those that do not disclose. There is no known study specifically referring to E&SSC disclosures in the apparel industry in GSP-certified countries. The findings will be useful to the apparel manufacturers in the GSP-certified countries and to customers in developed countries.

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Article Price : Rs.100