The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering
Seismic Fragility Estimates of Regular and Irregular Structures with Different Soil Conditions Using Time History Analysis

Article Details
Pub. Date : July, 2023
Product Name : The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJSE020723
Author Name : Ramesh B M, K Manjunatha and Ravikumar C M
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Science and Technology
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 33



Over the years, in the study of earthquakes, there has been a shift in the use of current force-based methodology to performance-based methodology. In this study, an attempt has been made to study the seismic performance of regular and vertically irregular structures by making use of time history analysis to establish seismic fragility estimates. To perform the analysis, three Indian strong ground motions have been considered by varying soil conditions. Comparison has been made in terms of displacement and spectral accelerations for both regular and irregular structures with different soil conditions. The study highlights the importance of obtaining performances in terms of Operational Phase (OP), Immediate Occupancy (IO), Damage Control (DC), Life Safety (LS), and Collapse Prevention (CP). The seismic vulnerability of buildings has been obtained treating the foundation as isolated footing in terms of damages by taking strong ground motion data into consideration to perform performance-based analysis of structures with different soil conditions.


The rapid release of energy from the lithosphere, which in turn causes seismic waves, causes the Earth's surface to shift during an earthquake. Buildings with many levels are developed as a result of significant advancements in construction techniques, materials and limited site availability. Among all the loads acting on a structure, an earthquake load is the most hazardous. An earthquake can seriously harm a structure and is destructive. Light, moderate, strong and severe earthquakes can be classified according to their magnitude and ground motion. Zones II, III, IV and V make up India's four seismic zones (Zain et al., 2019). Buildings with irregular vertical (Sarkar et al., 2010; and Cardone et al., 2018) surfaces are riskier during earthquakes because


Vertical irregularity, Soil Springs, Spectral acceleration, Fragility curve, Probability of damage, Time history analysis