The IUP Journal of English Studies
The Critical Future of Intermediate Language Translation: The Case of Italian Language and Literature in the Arab World

Article Details
Pub. Date : Sep, 2022
Product Name : The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJES080922
Author Name : Fadil Elmenfi
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Arts & Humanities
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 17



Translation studies has recently been elevated to a prestigious and noteworthy position in literary scholarship. We can understand the place of translation in literary scholarship from a perspective that stresses the necessity of avoiding the interpretation of specific literature and language in the Arab world. Various publishers in the Arab world have taken different positions on the question of literary translation. This paper sheds light on the condition and place of translated Italian literature in the Arab world by analyzing a database of Italian literature published in Arabic and the policies of two key Arab publishing firms. It examines (a) how foreign language learning is associated with spectacle in the Arab world, and (b) how the mechanisms by which publishing firms operate impact the position of Italian literature in the Arab world. It critically gauges the translation of the Italian language and literature in Arabic higher education. This study contributes to the literature by placing emphasis on the issue that is experienced by most publishing firms besides attaining a concept associated with the intermediate translation to be regarded as a savior.

Translation studies have, historically, employed a variety of haphazard approaches and have lacked standardized theoretical and other conventions and constructs to guide the field. Previous scholars such as Toury (1995) suggested that translation studies aimed to properly convey the intergenerational transmission of prehistoric and medieval cultures' spiritual and cultural heritage. He also suggested that the various insights which these cultures required to develop were poignantly inspired through translation and similar forms of exchange. More recently, scholars such as Bali (2016) have emphasized how translation studies could help scholars connect the literary traditions of various prehistoric and medieval societies.
