Pub. Date | : Oct, 2020 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJARAP31020 |
Author Name | : Soumya Singhal, Seema Gupta, Vijay Kumar Gupta |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Finance |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 21 |
Keeping in view the growing importance of Intellectual Capital (referred to as IC), there was a need to combine all the studies together for the benefit of proper understanding of the concept. The paper presents a structured literature review for 10-year period (2009-2018) of the dataset of 226 papers related to seven specialized and generalized journals in the field of IC. The sample studies have been categorized under six attributes to answer all the three basic research questions. The findings of meta-analysis reveal that maximum research related to IC has been conducted in public listed companies and content analysis is used in a majority of the studies. The study also reveals the areas where less or no research has been performed.
The importance of knowledge was recognized in the mid-1980s, though it took years for managers to establish systematic "Knowledge Management" practices. With the rise of the "new information-centric economy" in contrast to the industrial focused system, the investment in Intellectual Capital (IC) is gaining importance over the years, laying sizable impact on the performance of the company. Therefore, to understand the concept, researchers and academicians have defined three pillars of IC-namely, Human Capital: consisting of employees' knowledge, innovativeness, experience, attitude, skills, commitment and wisdom (Wang et al., 2014); Relational Capital (RC): possessing forward and backward relation with suppliers, vendors and customers and a source of revenue generation from external environment (Seetharaman et al., 2004); and the third; Structural Capital, known as Internal Capital, of an organization can be divided into process and innovation capital (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997; Bontis, 1999; and Choo and Bontis, 2002) referring to the databases, patents, process and trademarks.