Pub. Date | : Nov, 2022 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Marketing Management |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJMM031122 |
Author Name | : Vishal Dabra |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Marketing |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 27 |
The paper reviews the potential of biogas as an alternative energy source and discusses its entire production aspects. It explains the composition of feedstock, different upgrading/purification processes, and the effect of the parameters of anaerobic digestion on the performance of biogas. The paper further highlights the barriers to the large-scale adoption of biogas as a source of energy and offers solutions to overcome them.
Industrialization and modernization have increased the consumption of existing energy resources. The prime responsibility of humans is to scale back the upcoming energy crisis (Liu et al., 2013; and Celiktas and Alptekin, 2019). The energy crisis has led to a shift towards renewable energy resources. By using renewable energy resources, the consumption of conventional energy resources can be minimized and environmental pollution reduced (Meher et al., 2006; and Celiktas and Alptekin, 2019). Renewable energy resources include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro-energy, tidal energy, and biomass (Muneer et al., 2006; Balat, 2007; and Afridi and Qammar, 2020). These resources are used directly and indirectly in various applications. Table 1 shows the different renewable resources (Demirbas, 2006; Panwar et al., 2011; and Celiktas and Alptekin, 2019). Strong policies are required to promote renewable energy technologies and use (Ediger and Akar, 2007). The worldwide energy scenario by 2040 reflects that renewable energy resource contributions are going to increase massively. Out of those resources, the contribution of biomass will be enormous, compared to others, as shown in Figure 1 (Panwar et al., 2011; and Kapoor et al., 2020). Paolini et al. (2018) stated that biogas is a clean energy resource and also has several advantages.
Anaerobic digestion, Barriers, Biogas, Composition, Feedstock, Parameter, Purification