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During the past decade, there have been significant advances in powder metallurgical (PM) techniques which allow the production of high strength materials. Conventionally difficult-to-process materials can now be processed economically with a wide combination of properties. Economical processing, unique properties of the materials and captive processes vastly improve processing of the composites with higher densities. The PM technique yields production of precision components from powders-extruded into bars and cylinders, rolled into a sheet, etc., or isostatically molded into parts of more involved geometry. Among the composites, aluminum-based composites are widely regarded as promising material in a variety of applications such as aerospace, automotive, construction, etc. In the paper "Optimizing Microstructure for Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Al2O3-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Using Powder Metallurgy" by Subhajit Chattopadhyay and Samrat Hazra, the authors have utilized PM technique and carried out a study on pure aluminum (Al) and 2% alumina oxide (Al2O3) matrix composite material, and their mechanical and microstructural characteristics using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). They have observed that the aluminum matrix composite yielded enhanced microstructural characteristics (structural integrity and porosity) and considerable improvement in the mechanical properties (hardness) as compared to pure aluminum material.

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Solar drying methods use solar radiation to collect the solar energy by heating up the air volume in collectors and then transferring the hot air to an enclosure, where the products are laid out for drying. The use of phase change materials (PCM) will be able to fulfil efficient management of solar energy by considerably boosting the intensity of the heat stored. The use of PCMs is not only ecofriendly but also effectively reduces the cost of energy production. In the second paper, "Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Solar Drying System Using Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate as PCM", the authors, Vaishnav Vishwanathan, Deepak V Menon, Sajith Babu C and Sajith Gopi, have carried out an exergy analysis (based on second law of thermodynamics) to determine the usefulness of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate as PCM. The energy and exergy studies were done during charging and discharging period of PCM with heat input and different mass flow rates of heat transfer fluid. The authors have carried out the energy and exergy analysis of cinnamon leaf drying process using cabinet type solar dryer. The energy utilization ratio is assumed to be an important parameter for analyzing the utilization of energy in a drying process.

Spinodal decomposition is a phase transition mechanism in which two or more components are formed into two distinct phases of different compositions. The spinodal decomposition is of interest primarily in the field of phase transformation in solids since the diffusion is well defined, occurring uniformly throughout the material, and finds a wide range of applications in the modern-day design-in altering the design of material properties useful for structural and energy applications, and strengthening of alloys for lightweight automotive applications, including data storage and thermoelectric properties of phase-change alloys. In the third paper, "Estimation of the Effect of Spinodal Decomposition in Thin Films", Rahul Basu has basically presented a study based on the available mathematical models in the literature. The author has described second-order diffusion with additional terms of fourth-order coupled with a constant. The model was applied to describe the deposition and thermal regions where solutions were analyzed by simulation, including the fourth-order derivatives of the spinodal decomposition applications for commercially viable compounds. Various functional approximations and dependencies of the transformation rates were obtained for small incremental values, which may not differ in the nanoregion.

Plastic waste is generated in millions of tons every year all over the world, and is getting dumped into drainages and water bodies, causing a lot of environmental pollution and nuisance to the society. The waste in a way is nonbiodegradable and tends to remain in the environment for a very long time. Huge amounts of plastic waste will become a serious problem if no solution is found. The present-day challenge is to develop suitable techniques to convert plastic waste into useful energy to alleviate the demand for energy from fossils. Several researchers, therefore, are focusing on techniques for converting waste plastic into biofuels to replace the fossil-based fuels, and thereby contributing to the development of conversion technologies that are both economically viable and energy-efficient. The last paper is "Conversion of Plastic Waste into Useful Energy: An Overview", by Sagar KG and Rajesh AM. The authors have presented a brief review of the optimized approaches for converting certain kinds of plastic trash into high-energy.

S V Srirama Rao
Consulting Editor

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Optimizing Microstructure for Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Al2O3 -Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Using Powder Metallurgy
Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Solar Drying System Using Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate as PCM
Estimation of the Effect of Spinodal Decomposition in Thin Films
Conversion of Plastic Waste into Useful Energy: An Overview
Contents : (Nov' 2023)

Optimizing Microstructure for Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Al2O3 -Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Using Powder Metallurgy
Subhajit Chattopadhyay and Samrat Hazra

Composite materials are created by combining two or more different materials, which results in new material with enhanced properties when compared to the original components. In the case of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC), the main component is metal, while the reinforcement is made up of ceramics. MMCs are popular due to their durability and toughness, while ceramics provide high elastic modulus. They are widely used in various industries such as sports, automotive, aerospace, packaging and heavy industries. Aluminum-based composites are particularly favored in production due to their low density, high fatigue strength, and excellent resistance to corrosion (Tu et al., 2002). The objective is to produce a distinct aluminum-based composite, containing 2% of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), and then evaluate the mechanical and microstructural characteristics in comparison to pure aluminum using powder metallurgy.

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Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Solar Drying System Using Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate as PCM
Vaishnav Vishwanathan, Deepak V Menon, Sajith Babu C and Sajith Gopi

Energy and exergy analysis of solar devices has drawn the interest of researchers across the globe. Energy analysis is a criterion to assess the efficient usage of solar energy. Solar energy storage at its maximum is a big challenge. This challenge can be resolved with the help of a solar dryer storage unit, as it is compact and possesses high storage density. But the problem is minimizing the cost. A low-cost phase change material (PCM) solves this issue; sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate is a PCM of low cost with high latent heat of fusion and its melting point is within the desired temperature range. To determine the usefulness of stored energy using sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate as PCM, exergy analysis based on second law is required. In this paper, energy and exergy studies were done during charging and discharging periods of PCM with a heat input and different mass flow rates of heat transfer fluid.

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Estimation of the Effect of Spinodal Decomposition in Thin Films
Rahul Basu

The paper illustrates the effect of additional terms in diffusion equations, particularly spinodal equations. The spinodal mechanism is described by second-order diffusion with additional terms of 4th order coupled with a constant. Solutions are seldom found in a simple manner. These materials can yield nanostructures and alloys with advanced properties. In this study, a perturbation for small values of x and t was applied. Similarity variables with x and t are employed along with the separation of variable solutions that can produce an exact series solution. The results illustrate how growth proceeds and the effect of material parameters on growth, along with the important combinations of physical properties. The solutions vary depending on the transcendental equations for the moving boundaries. The rate dependencies changed from the square root of t to the 4th root of t at the small-parameter level. For example, a Cu-Ni alloy has been simulated. This study is primarily hypothetical, and focuses on the analysis of mathematical models. Important findings have recently appeared, showing the applicability of these transformations in the design of energy-storage cells, solar energy, nanocomposites, and other areas.

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Conversion of Plastic Waste into Useful Energy: An Overview
Sagar K G and Rajesh A M

Conversion of plastic trash into valuable energy is a viable approach for tackling this type of waste. Various procedures may be used to transform plastic waste into energy, including incineration, pyrolysis, and gasification. Incineration is the prevailing approach for the conversion of plastic waste into energy. One of the challenges is collection and categorization of plastic garbage. Another pertains to the development of conversion technologies that are both economically viable and energy-efficient. Despite these challenges, converting plastic waste into useful energy is a promising way to address the problem of plastic pollution. The technology in question is now in the developmental stage, although it holds promise for playing a substantial role in facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable future.

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