Pub. Date | : Dec, 2023 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Information Technology |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJIT031223 |
Author Name | : Venkata Ravi Ram Pinninti and Pavitra Pinninti |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Engineering |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 15 |
Use of drones in plant inspection, in particular inspection involving tall stacks, to reduce safety risks has picked up considerably in the recent past. However, there are essential plant inspections that involve detailed contact-based inspection, which cannot be achieved using drones. Such cases include close-up inspections like ultrasonic inspection for corrosion studies and inspections that require customized tools. In these scenarios, use of robotic crawlers is the superior option. Leaks or accidental release of chemicals in process plants can have severe consequences, not only for workers and neighboring populace but also for the reputation and financial stability of organizations. Thus safety risk management becomes a crucial component in any work undertaken in every industry. Ultrasonic inspections involve nondestructive testing of wall thickness of tanks and piping to assess the risk of failure. Such inspections require elaborate access arrangements to preclude the possibility of fall from height accidents. The optimal way to prevent accidents to eliminate the hazard as far as reasonably practical. When work-related specific hazards are eliminated, the probability of accidents in that work becomes zero. The paper presents two practical case studies implemented in two different industries, where safetyrelated risk was completely eliminated using robotics, with collateral benefits in the form of reduction in outage times and a significant 60-90% overall costs savings.
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving industrial landscape across various industries, accidents can have severe consequences not only for workers but also for the reputation and financial stability of organizations. Safety risk management plays a critical role in ensuring the wellbeing of workers and the overall success of industries. One crucial aspect of this management process is conducting professional risk assessments. These assessments are essential for identifying potential hazards and implementing effective measures to reduce the danger of accidents.
Risk management, Risk reduction, Risk mitigation, Safety, Robotic Crawlers, Cost saving, Time saving
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