
The IUP Journal of Soft Skills


The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.

� Brian Herbert (Author)

Today, soft skills training is no more optional but essential. Gone are the days when employers and employees thought certain traditional and technical professions like finance or engineering do not need soft skills to be successful at the workplace. Regardless of size, industries and jobs, employers today say that soft skills play a key role in recruitment and rue that a large number of students entering the workforce are woefully short of soft skills which would render them ineffective. Amidst the accelerating pace of technology and ever changing business conditions, it is imperative organizations develop adequate soft skills along with splendid technical skills to build an agile and vibrant workforce. The array of skills like fluent communication, excellent interpersonal skills blended with teamwork, initiative, critical thinking, problem solving skills and leadership, etc. are some of the skills that would spark employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and performance to help employees win accolades as some of the finest managers of the age. Hence, universities and organizations realize that soft skill training programs are essential to develop a wide variety of interests, skills and competencies.

As the importance of technical skills increases at the global workplaces, the emphasis on soft skills becomes intense. As it turns out, soft skills are not easy to acquire after all, and a lot of emphasis and efforts are necessary to shape the soft skills among the students so that they evolve as successful professionals by donning multiple roles. The paper �Soft Skill Development in the Higher Education Curriculum: A Case Study� by Lisa Sheldon Brown captures the features of online graduate programs designed to impart students an assortment of much-needed skills classified for 21st century global workforce and present their efficacy to suggest that the programs deliver the value promised and provide the insights to make this platform more effective.

The world of entrepreneurs paints a new picture amidst the changing technological demands. Hence, they need a lot more skills to meet their job demands that go beyond job description. It is not easy to find people with soft skills as against hard skills. The development of soft skills is complex and arduous as well as time-consuming. The paper �The Teaching of Soft Communication Skills in Entrepreneurship Development Courses at the +2 Level in India� by Sushmita Chakravarti and Saikat Chakraborty dwells at length on the role of soft skills in entrepreneurship development, especially the need for training the students in courses at the +2 level and outlines the benefits of such initiatives.

The hope that something is possible and the realization that hope is essential to achieve success which at times is far from one�s reach is extremely critical to human pursuits. A lot of managers and employees when faced with struggles and failures get paralyzed by fear and thus collapse under its weight. An era of uncertainty and turbulence in business demands an optimistic and determined outlook to stay calm and achieve the goals. The absence of such optimistic outlook is becoming one of the key challenges at the workplace, fueling alarming concern among the managers, thus emphasizing the importance of cultivating hope among the employees. The paper �The Power of Hope� by Revathi Turaga discusses some methods that individuals and organizations can adapt to keep the hope alive within and outlines certain benefits that might follow by being hopeful.

There is a world of difference between managing a project and achieving success in the project. Success in a project is often a result of a blend of technical skills and proactive communication. Project leaders who are effective and impactful in their communication are harder to find. Effective communication achieves better results while managing and implementing the projects, and the absence of it can spell doom or disaster. The paper �Effective Communication Management: A Key to Stakeholder Relationship Management in Project-Based Organizations� by Kirti Rajhans explores the instrumental role of effective communication in stakeholder relationship management and formulates a methodological framework to apply communication as an effective tool for achieving successful stakeholder relationships at all levels.

- Mendemu Showry
Consulting Editor

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Soft Skill Development in the Higher Education Curriculum: A Case Study
The Teaching of Soft Communication Skills in Entrepreneurship Development Courses at the +2 Level in India
The Power of Hope
Effective Communication Management: A Key to Stakeholder Relationship Management in Project-Based Organizations

Soft Skill Development in the Higher Education Curriculum: A Case Study
Lisa Sheldon Brown

In the study of career success in a rapidly changing world, the importance of preparing established career professionals for increased success as they transition from roles and/or organizations has increased. Measuring success in careers has also changed. In this field of study, intrinsic variables are now perceived as important as the extrinsic as we move forward and consider the whole personal and life-span development in addition to the extrinsic, objective measurements predominant in the past. The paper is a study of the efficacy of an online graduate program designed to prepare students with the mindfulness, dialogue, collaboration, and communication skills necessary for the 21st century global workplace.

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The Teaching of Soft Communication Skills in Entrepreneurship Development Courses at the +2 Level in India
Sushmita Chakravarti and Saikat Chakraborty

Entrepreneurs play an important role in the economic development of emerging economies such as India, and Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP) at various life stages boost it. EDP�s impact at the +2 level is strategic and timely as it adds self-sufficiency to the young who are either forced to or willingly take up entrepreneurship after their +2 education. Creating a new venture and the sea of uncertainties and risks involved in entrepreneurship can be daunting and frustrating, testing the tenacity of the +2 students� soft skills, especially soft communication skills. Soft communication skill helps in information gathering, customer handling, teamwork, communicating with stakeholders, establishing relationships, and in tackling the challenges involved in venture creation. This paper thus argues for the teaching of soft communication skills in entrepreneurship development courses at the + 2 level, and highlights the need for and benefits of taking such initiatives, whilst suggesting certain broad guidelines in this regard.

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The Power of Hope
Revathi Turaga

Hope � a word which means so much for so many. One may wonder what an abstract emotion like �hope� has to do in the world of corporate culture and professionalism. It is a fact that the industry today dangles on methodical, goal-oriented and structured strategies for business and its profits. Most companies, however, also rely heavily on customer satisfaction as well as employee performance and satisfaction. Hope plays a pivotal role in such a context. In this era of ever-changing project scopes and high pressure deadlines, it is important for individuals and organizations to create and maintain an optimistic and positive environment to keep the day-to-day activities going on. Apart from the various extracurricular activities and periodic rewards programs, employees feel a sense of fulfillment while looking forward to what they can achieve in the future with a hope that their desires, ambitions, and goals are met. This paper discusses certain methods that both individuals and organizations can apply to keep hope alive within and also highlights certain benefits of being hopeful.

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Article Price : Rs.100

Effective Communication Management: A Key to Stakeholder Relationship Management in Project-Based Organizations
Kirti Rajhans

Efficient stakeholder relationship management is an essential requirement for any successful organization. It is a decisive factor and has a direct impact on total environment and profit results of the organization. A methodological approach is needed for proactive stakeholder relationship management in view of the varied stakeholders who have altogether different sorts of expectations and needs. Effective communication management can serve as a strong tool to systematically manage the stakeholder relationships at multiple levels. The main objective of the study is to explore the use of effective communication in stakeholder relationship management and also to find out a methodological framework to use communication as an effective tool for managing successful stakeholder relationships at all levels. The study is conducted through a questionnaire survey and structured interviews of stakeholders working at different project organizations. The results indicate applications of communication in managing multiple functions of stakeholder management. A framework for effective communication management is suggested as a part of the results which can be used by practitioners in all types of project organizations for successful stakeholder relationship management.

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Article Price : Rs.100