The IUP Journal of English Studies
Folk Songs as Celebration of Life: A Study of Adivasi Folk Songs of Mewar Region, Rajasthan

Article Details
Pub. Date : Sep, 2020
Product Name : The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJES50920
Author Name : Mahendra Singh Purohit
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Arts & Humanities
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 7



The mainstream literature hitherto has not been adequately inclusive of many literatures that are still in the phase of orality. Indigenous peoples create their literatures in their languages spontaneously, and this grows in the form of a tradition across generations. Folk literature is replete with human sense and sensibilities since indigenous people live in direct contact with nature. Far away from the progressive model of humankind, the sustainable life patterns of these people keep them ever fresh and new. Rajasthan is a land of bhakti and shakti. The area known as Mewar is the habitat of the Adivasi community. The Adivasi people sing vibrantly to celebrate every aspect of their lives. This paper aims at analyzing the Adivasi folk songs of the Mewar region in terms of inherent themes. Mirth, melancholy, excitement, festivities, birth, death, creation, marriage, and so on can be found in these songs. As a result of being limited to orality, these cultural artifacts are endangered. These folksongs, composed by unknown and almost illiterate artists and performers, have the simplicity and sublimity of the human consciousness. This paper also looks into the indigenous mindset and explores the reasons like psychological aphasia and the resultant indigenous ways of dealing with different themes of life.


Of all the things I have learnt about the Adivasis, the most important is that we know very little about them. The people we are trying to civilize are far more civilized than us. As a matter of fact, we should be learning from them, rather than teaching them. (Devy 2011, 6)

What is literature?? is a question that has had no definite answer since every answer to this question would be ?partial? (Devy 2011, 73). Literature is a dynamic concept. It has been defined and interpreted in as many ways as possible by people in different ages.
