The IUP Journal of English Studies
The Role of Teacher and Technology in Foreign Language Acquisition

Article Details
Pub. Date : Sep, 2020
Product Name : The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJES10920
Author Name : Shreya Jhamb and Vinod Kumar Shukla
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Arts & Humanities
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 8



This paper argues for the importance of human intelligence in language acquisition and the role of machine learning in language acquisition, as software cannot be programmed contextually. The paper also explores the various challenges that many educational institutions face in adopting new technologies and innovations in the field of teaching and learning. The paper also brings out the advantages and disadvantages of new technology and its implementation in foreign language. It also highlights the differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. The complexities of language learning require skills like problem solving and decision making, in which the experience of a human being and the judgment ability of the human brain play a significant role. Additionally, the human brain can process far wider information as compared to a computer. These shortcomings highlight the limitations of the artificial intelligence of machines and prove that human intelligence would always be superior.


Today, we are living in a growing digital world. Technology has taken over all aspects of our lives as we have become dependent on it. Therefore, it also plays an important role in the field of education. In recent years, the education system has evolved to become technology-based and has seen significant progress in information technology. The use of technology is seen as an ideal approach for teaching and learning languages. Earlier, teachers were attached to using ancient methods of teaching, but now they have evidently shifted to using technology in the classrooms as they are aware of its benefits (Koua 2013). There is also a change in the role of the teachers. It has shifted from the traditional practice, which was centered between teacher and textbook, to the modern and advanced practice which is student and activity centered. This transformation shows that from being transmitters of knowledge in old times, they have become facilitators of
