The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management
A Strategy for Capturing and Disseminating Knowledge Assets Using Cloud Computing Technologies: Implementation Lessons from a Mexican SME

Article Details
Pub. Date : Oct, 2022
Product Name : The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJKM011022
Author Name : Luis Guillermo Cordova-Castillo, Alonso Perez-Soltero, Jose Luis Ochoa-Hernandez and Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Management
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 15



In the present context of high levels of competition, most SMEs face various difficulties in competing in national and international markets. One of the main challenges is how to ensure that the knowledge generated by their staff is shared efficiently given the serious economic and technological difficulties that SMEs face. The objective of this paper is to propose a strategy aimed at SMEs for the capture and dissemination of knowledge assets with the support of technologies based on cloud computing. For this, a strategy consisting of two phases-the capture and dissemination of knowledge assets-was developed, which was implemented in an SME in northwestern Mexico dedicated to the production and distribution of natural beverages. The results revealed that the organization was allowed to record and share its documentation in real time with its staff, which made it easier to update its electronic documents more efficiently, allowing better compatibility of its files with its technological infrastructure, without the need to purchase or install additional software.


With the global economy yet to fully recover from the Covid-19 crisis, many organizations find themselves in an unfavorable situation (Kuckertz et al., 2020). The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that have suffered economic difficulties due to this health emergency are still in the process of recovery, and the immediate future presents them with challenges to overcome (Farhoud et al., 2021). Similarly, their difficult economic situation is closely related to their precarious technological infrastructure, which has prevented them from taking their products and services to the national and international markets. In addition, the little technological infrastructure they have is becoming obsolete, and they have not been able to renew it at the rate the present times demand (Mejia Chavez et al., 2021).
