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In the paper "A Strategy for Capturing and Disseminating Knowledge Assets Using Cloud Computing Technologies: Implementation Lessons from a Mexican SME", Luis Guillermo Cordova-Castillo, Alonso Perez-Soltero, Jose Luis Ochoa-Hernandez and Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela have proposed a strategy for SMEs to capture and disseminate knowledge assets with the help of technologies based on cloud computing. They developed and implemented the strategy in a Mexican SME in order to create a cloud-based technology platform to meet the business needs. The strategy consists of two main phases: capture of knowledge assets and dissemination of knowledge assets. The aim behind the adoption of cloud computing technologies by Mexican companies is reduction in costs and increase in efficiency, accessibility and flexibility. The first phase of the proposed strategy consists of three activities: establish a documentation code system, make a map of document records, and process the information; whereas the second phase consists of two activities: analyze the available tools, and implement the necessary requirements for the use of space or platform. The strategy is intended to benefit organizations in configuration or redesign of any process, product, competence or skill and preserving and ensuring standardized documents and up-to-date and real-time information. The authors report that the results led to proper identification and conservation of knowledge assets, efficient assignments of works and responsibilities, evaluation of performance of staff and standardization of processes and decision making.

The acquired knowledge should be used and preserved properly. Retention of valuable and usable knowledge is very important for organizations. Such knowledge can be used at any time in future to maintain business efficiency by improving processes and products and filling any operational gaps. Mary Basaasa Muhenda and Elizabeth Kawuma Lwanga, in their paper, "Knowledge Retention Practices Among Administrative Staff: How Equipped Are Public Universities in Uganda?", present their analysis of knowledge retention practices among the administrative staff in higher education institutions in Uganda. They collected data from the administrative staff of five selected public universities to examine the existence of any practices to retain knowledge in terms of acquisition, sharing, HR processes, recovery and retrieval with information technology. They carried out their research based on 18 factors. Based on the analysis of data, the authors have reported lower levels of knowledge retention practices, absence of policies and clear guidelines and inadequate management support to enhance knowledge transformation practices among the staff. In view of these observations, the authors have made some recommendations and also presented a framework for knowledge retention strategy.

Computer-mediated communication on a real-time basis can enhance knowledge and also impart learning experience. Mobile devices and computer systems equipped with video conferencing apps and tools are found very helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students across the world, from lower to higher levels of education and from different types of educational institutions, took the support of those sources to continue their education during the pandemic period. Malla Praveen Bhasa, in his paper, "Technology-Intermediated Learning Engagement in Uzbek Universities: Who Did Better During Covid Times - Private or Public Universities?", has examined online learning engagement and the satisfaction levels of undergraduate and graduate students from both public and private universities in Uzbekistan. With the help of a questionnaire consisting of 45 items, the author has attempted to assess the readiness of the institution and the faculty to migrate to online teaching, technology competence of faculty to engage students in online environment, and facilitation capabilities of the institution. Based on the analysis of data, the author has reported higher satisfaction levels among students of private universities when compared to public universities.

Innovations in process, procedures and products set organizations apart from others in their business. In the paper "Sustainability and Innovation: Keys to Competitiveness", Magdolna Csath has highlighted the issue of poor performance of the European Union (EU) as far as innovation, digitalization and competitiveness are concerned. According to the authors, in the absence of intangibles like proper knowledge that can be derived from research and development, data, training and business process improvements, investments made on machinery, buildings and other tangibles could not deliver the intended growth in productivity. The author collected data related to different indicators like investments made on both tangibles and intangibles, energy intensity, digitalization, population and education in EU countries. The data was correlated and analyzed further to draw important insights. It is reported that modernization of backward industrial structure is possible through building local talents and startup ecosystems. The paper also highlights the significance of growth in efficiency, innovation and less energy-dependence.

Organizational learning can help enhance the performance of employees in an organization. Suman Baxla and Rohita Kumar Mishra, in their paper, "The Role of Innovation in the Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Performance in Rourkela Steel Plant", have investigated the relationship between organizational learning and performance, and the impact of innovation on that relationship. They interviewed executives and managers of Rourkela Steel Plant in India and collected data for analysis using statistical techniques like factor analysis, regression and correlation. They considered organizational learning and performance as independent variables and role of innovation as dependent variable. They found that innovation significantly influences organizational learning and performance, and that growth in organizational learning and focus on its capabilities can increase organizational creativity and performance.

- Nasina Jigeesh
Consulting Editor

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A Strategy for Capturing and Disseminating Knowledge Assets Using Cloud Computing Technologies: Implementation Lessons from a Mexican SME
Knowledge Retention Practices Among Administrative Staff: How Equipped Are Public Universities in Uganda?
Technology-Intermediated Learning Engagement in Uzbek Universities: Who Did Better During Covid Times - Private or Public Universities?
Sustainability and Innovation: Keys to Competitiveness
The Role of Innovation in the Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Performance in Rourkela Steel Plant
Contents : (October'22)

A Strategy for Capturing and Disseminating Knowledge Assets Using Cloud Computing Technologies: Implementation Lessons from a Mexican SME
Luis Guillermo Cordova-Castillo, Alonso Perez-Soltero, Jose Luis Ochoa-Hernandez and Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela

In the present context of high levels of competition, most SMEs face various difficulties in competing in national and international markets. One of the main challenges is how to ensure that the knowledge generated by their staff is shared efficiently given the serious economic and technological difficulties that SMEs face. The objective of this paper is to propose a strategy aimed at SMEs for the capture and dissemination of knowledge assets with the support of technologies based on cloud computing. For this, a strategy consisting of two phases-the capture and dissemination of knowledge assets-was developed, which was implemented in an SME in northwestern Mexico dedicated to the production and distribution of natural beverages. The results revealed that the organization was allowed to record and share its documentation in real time with its staff, which made it easier to update its electronic documents more efficiently, allowing better compatibility of its files with its technological infrastructure, without the need to purchase or install additional software.

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Knowledge Retention Practices Among Administrative Staff: How Equipped Are Public Universities in Uganda?
Mary Basaasa Muhenda and Elizabeth Kawuma Lwanga

Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are beleaguered by knowledge loss, occasioned by staff moving to other workplaces, layoffs, and in some cases retirement. Organizations generally prefer to keep resources, including knowledge, that make them distinctive, innovative, and creative in a rapidly changing environment that demands constant renewal powered by knowledge. This critical resource, considered intangible and inimitable and likely to depend on work experience, is highly impacted by changing demographics in workplaces, which are fueled by incessant layoffs and staff attrition and are characterized by knowledge loss, skills, experience and relationships. Given the importance of knowledge, the process of identifying and managing critical knowledge in organizations-with a view to using and reusing knowledge, referred to as knowledge retention-becomes imperative. Yet, HEI have not crafted strategies in the past to retain critical knowledge, contrary to the Transactive Memory Systems theory which underpins this study. Data for the study was collected using a self-administered survey instrument that targeted randomly selected administrative staff from five public universities of Uganda. Purposively selected key respondents were interviewed to complement the quantitative data. Factor and reliability tests and descriptive statistics were the various statistical analyses undertaken using SPSS. The findings affirm low extent of knowledge retention practices among administrative staff in HEI in Uganda. The study also offers recommendations, including a knowledge retention strategy framework.

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Technology-Intermediated Learning Engagement in Uzbek Universities: Who Did Better During Covid Times - Private or Public Universities?
Malla Praveen Bhasa

This paper investigates students' satisfaction with their online learning engagement. A survey among 303 bachelor's and master's students from a total of seven public and private universities in Uzbekistan was conducted to this effect on four constructs, viz., institutional and faculty readiness to migrate to online learning, university staff and faculty's technology competence, faculty's student engagement competence in an online environment, and institution's facilitation capabilities. The results show that while the private universities score very high on student satisfaction on all the four constructs, the same cannot be said of public universities. The results are of importance for the Uzbek government that has imitated the lockdown policies of other nations, but without the basic technology infrastructure or faculty readiness to migrate to online education. The results call for an urgent intervention by the government to bring in mass-scale changes in the education system of the country by investing in both education technology infrastructure and training faculty members to adapt to the new normal of online education. Only then can satisfaction levels of students studying in public universities reach respectable standards.

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Sustainability and Innovation: Keys to Competitiveness
Magdolna Csath

We live in an unpredictable, uncertain world, which is full of political, economic, social and ecological pressures. Companies and nations used to compete based on cost optimization by relying on the cost- effectively organized global value chains. Recently, this policy has resulted in serious disruptions due to the "just-in-time" management methods, which meant keeping a zero-level inventory. The operations of the global value chains have also cared less about sustainability, like energy intensity in the less developed countries where assembly operations are located. Investments have mainly been focused on tangibles: machineries, buildings and other infrastructures, while neglecting knowledge-related intangibles. This has resulted in lower-than-necessary knowledge capacity building. In the absence of proper knowledge, then tangible investments could not deliver the intended productivity improvements. This paper argues for the necessity of radical change in selecting growth models for businesses and nations alike. Unless there is a shift to applying more human and environmentally-responsible economic policies and business models, serious social and environmental disruptions will happen, which may abruptly put an end to using these cost optimizing business models. The post-pandemic problems and the ongoing war in Ukraine have sent shock waves through nations and businesses not only in Europe, but also in the United States and Asia. Though these shocks cause threats, they also create opportunities for intelligent and timely changes.

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The Role of Innovation in the Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Performance in Rourkela Steel Plant
Suman Baxla and Rohita Kumar Mishra

In today's corporate climate, businesses are constantly innovating with a view to outsmarting rivals to stay successful and accomplish strategic goals. One such tactic is innovation. Successful organizational learning is not quite as straightforward as it seems. There are any number of learning programs offered throughout the world each year, yet a majority of them fail. The present study intends to evaluate the influence of innovation on the link between organizational learning and performance. The data were acquired using an interview approach from 269 respondents belonging to Rourkela Steel Plant in Odisha, India. Factor analysis was done using statistical program SPSS. As per the data, organizational learning has a considerable influence on organizational performance. Additionally, the findings show favorable and statistically significant benefits of organizational innovation upon organizational learning and performance. The results also reveal that organizational innovation has a favorable and substantial influence on organizational performance and learning, and there is a substantial relation between organizational performance and learning.

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