The IUP Journal of English Studies
Project Assignment as an Effective Method to Enhance the Communication Skills of Business Management Students

Article Details
Pub. Date : Sep, 2019
Product Name : The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJES81909
Author Name : Geetha V Sharma and Jayagowri Shivakumar
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Arts & Humanities
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 08



The aim of this paper is to examine how project-based learning can help Business Management students develop their communication skills. A cross-disciplinary project designed for the third-semester students of a business school in Bengaluru (Karnataka, India) was assigned to five student teams. Based on the outcomes of the project, it is concluded that project-based learning is an effective way to make students become autonomous learners and develop communication skills.


In a global business environment, recruiters not only expect jobseekers to possess problem-solving skills, domain knowledge, and interpersonal skills but also lay special emphasis on effective communication skills. Several employer surveys confirm communication proficiency in English as one of the vital but hard-to-find skills that the employers expect (Aspiring Minds 2014; Bloomberg 2015; Confederation of Indian Industry 2014; Government of India 2009).
