
The IUP Journal of Marketing Management


The second paper, "Private Healthcare Service Quality and Patients' Revisit Intention During Covid-19: An Empirical Analysis", by V K Jincy and R Reshmi, examines the service quality of private healthcare institutions in Kerala during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The study finds that hospitals are not taking adequate measures to address the Covid-related stress and anxiety of patients. The results of the paired t-test show significant difference between the expected and perceived service quality, and the correlation analysis reveals a significant relationship between service quality and revisit intention of patients. The study suggests reduction in treatment charges and better staff management to ensure efficient and equitable access to private healthcare services.

The third paper, "Examining the Impact of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Health Insurance Policyholders", by Sheeba Nair, identifies the dimensions of service quality in the health insurance business and examines the impact of various factors on the overall satisfaction of policyholders in general insurance companies. The study reveals that reliability, empathy, access and responsiveness have a significant and positive impact on overall satisfaction in the public and private sector general insurance companies. 'Tangibles' has an insignificant and no positive impact on overall satisfaction in the public sector general insurance companies; and in the private sector firms, it has a significant minimal positive impact on overall satisfaction.

Consumer attitude is the reaction of a customer towards a product or service. Consumers' environmental concern leads them to be sustainable buyers who consider the core values of ecology or environment. The branded organic food category is a highly valued product category, and organic brands like 24 Mantra, Dhatu, Dear Earth, and Down to Earth have higher sales. The fourth paper, "Does Consumer Attitude Influence Sustainable Buying Behavior of Branded Organic Food Consumers? The Mediating Role of Green Consumption Value in Predicting the Relationship", by Joshyja Jose, Biju M K and Binoy Vincent, evaluates the role of green consumption value in predicting consumer attitude and sustainable buying behavior towards branded organic food products. The authors have used descriptive and analytical research by implementing purposive sampling for data collection. The results show that consumer attitude influences sustainable consumption of the organic consumer and green consumption value mediates the relation between consumer attitude and sustainable buying behavior of consumers.

Researchers and practitioners have expended considerable effort to comprehend customer satisfaction with mobile banking. The fifth and last paper, "Customer Satisfaction with Mobile Banking Services in India", by Rinki Verma, Manoj Kumar, Anushree Singh and Karnika Srivastava, aims to help the practitioners in strategically planning and delivering mobile banking services to increase customer satisfaction by statistically testing Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Relative Advantage (RA), Self-Efficacy (SE), Service Quality (SQ), risk and trust with regard to satisfaction level among mobile banking users in India. Structural Equation Modeling is used to check the fitness of the model and understand the factors affecting mobile banking user satisfaction in India. The study examines the determinants of CS with MB in India. PEOU and PU positively influence CS with MB among Indian customers. The results support the postulation that when Indian customers find the MB services easier to use, their perception of its usefulness also increases.

-B Shafiulla
Consulting Editor

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Collaborative Consumption Services: Testing the Impact of Reason-Based Trust and Coercive Power Among Users and Non-Users
Private Healthcare Service Quality and Patients' Revisit Intention During Covid-19: An Empirical Analysis
Examining the Impact of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Health Insurance Policyholders
Does Consumer Attitude Influence Sustainable Buying Behavior of Branded Organic Food Consumers? The Mediating Role of Green Consumption Value in Predicting the Relationship
Customer Satisfaction with Mobile Banking Services in India
Contents : (Feb'2022)

Collaborative Consumption Services: Testing the Impact of Reason-Based Trust and Coercive Power Among Users and Non-Users
Purva Kansal and Saubhagya Bhalla

he study aims to provide an integrated model explaining the reasons for and against participation in collaborative consumption among users and non-users, applying Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT). The findings empirically demonstrate that institution-based and reason-based trust positively impact intentions. As a new type of materialism is emerging in the consumer marketplace where importance is given to experiences rather than possessions, economic benefits have the least impact on intentions. Coercive power positively impacts intention which ensures maintenance of rented products. Low sharing belief and low trust are the reasons why non-users do not participate in collaborative consumption. Marketers need to give less importance to economic benefits and enhance institution-based trust. Emphasis on improving structural assurance would be impactful in increasing participation in sharing services. Marketers need to provide reasons for building reason-based trust. It is highly recommended that the marketers offer rich experience of services. Terms and conditions must be explicitly mentioned to maintain the quality of rented product and to highlight the penalty in case of damage to the rented product. Marketers need to adopt effective strategies to inculcate sharing belief and foster trust among consumers. This would help in converting non-users into users. The study has filled the gap in existing literature by examining the motivations and constraints across users and non-users, thereby extending the application of BRT. The study has unraveled the role of motivations such as institution-based trust and reason-based trust and constraints such as perceived coercive power.

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Private Healthcare Service Quality and Patients' Revisit Intention During Covid-19: An Empirical Analysis
V K Jincy and R Reshmi

This paper examines the service quality of private healthcare institutions in Kerala during the Covid-19 pandemic period. Data was collected from 159 inpatients on a convenient sampling basis through Google Forms. The modified SERVQUAL scale used in the study proved highly reliable. Gap analysis in the study showed that the patient's expectation exceeds their perception for all dimensions of service quality. Social responsibility, empathy and responsiveness are the dimensions requiring prompt attention due to their high negative Gap scores. The study also found that the hospitals are not taking adequate measures to address the Covid-related stress and anxiety of patients. The results of the paired t-test showed significant difference between the expected and perceived service quality, and the correlation analysis revealed significant relationship between the service quality and the revisit intention of patients. The study suggests reduction in treatment charges and better staff management to ensure efficient and equitable access to private healthcare services. The healthcare managers can use the findings to develop strategies to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on private healthcare service quality.

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Examining the Impact of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Health Insurance Policyholders
Sheeba Nair

The study aims to identify the dimensions of service quality in the health insurance business and examine the impact of various factors on the overall satisfaction of policyholders in general insurance companies. It identified five factors/dimensions of service quality in health insurance business, viz., reliability, empathy, access, responsiveness and tangibles. The study revealed that reliability, empathy, access and responsiveness have a significant and positive impact on overall satisfaction in the public and private sector general insurance companies. Tangibles has an insignificant and no positive impact on overall satisfaction in the public sector general insurance companies; and in the private sector firms, it has a significant minimal positive impact on overall satisfaction. This paper contributes to the literature on the service quality dimensions in health insurance and their impact on customer satisfaction. It could have potential practical implications for companies offering health insurance products. The management of the companies can increase their understanding of the service quality dimensions and their impact on customer satisfaction.

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Does Consumer Attitude Influence Sustainable Buying Behavior of Branded Organic Food Consumers? The Mediating Role of Green Consumption Value in Predicting the Relationship
Joshyja Jose, Biju M K and Binoy Vincent

Consumer attitude is the reaction of a customer towards a product or service. The consumer's environmental concern leads them to be sustainable buyers who consider the core values of ecology or environment. In recent times, consumers have been showing a high positive attitude towards the environmental benefits offered by products, which indicates their sustainable buying behavior. The branded organic food category is a highly valued product category and brands like 24 Mantra Organic, Dhatu organic, Dear Earth, and Down to Earth have higher sales. Organic products are defined as "agricultural products produced through natural versus synthetic processes (Fisher, 1999). They safeguard the consumers from chemical exposure and ill health. Michaud et al. (1994) described the certification process as "setting standards, verifying that standards are followed by inspecting the facility and operating records, and approving the producer or processor. Certified products bring food security to consumers from pesticides and chemicals and ensure food quality. The current paper evaluates the role of green consumption value in predicting consumer attitude and sustainable buying behavior towards the branded organic food products. The authors used descriptive and analytical research by implementing purposive sampling for data collection. The results show that the consumer attitude influences the sustainable consumption of the organic consumer and green consumption value mediates the relation between consumer attitude and sustainable buying behavior of consumers.

© 2022 IUP. All Rights Reserved.

Article Price : Rs.100

Customer Satisfaction with Mobile Banking Services in India
Rinki Verma, Manoj Kumar, Anushree Singh and Karnika Srivastava

Researchers and practitioners have expended considerable effort to comprehend customer satisfaction with mobile banking. This study aims to help the practitioners in strategically planning and delivering mobile banking services to increase customer satisfaction by statistically testing Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), relative advantage (RA), self-efficacy (SE), service quality (SQ), risk and trust with regard to satisfaction level among mobile banking users in India. Structural Equation Modeling is used to check the fitness of the model and understand the factors affecting mobile banking user satisfaction in India. The data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. The results of the study show that PEOU and PU are positively related. PEOU and PU, RA, trust, SQ and perceived risk have a significant relationship with customer

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