Published Online:July 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences
Product Type:Article
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Author Name:Fidelis I Onah, Hils Ohagwu, Okey Abang Philemon and Bridget Chiamaka Nwobodo
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The paper designs and implements a fully customized and branded hospital billing and recordkeeping system. It is aimed at simplifying the medical billing process and minimizing the daily hassles encountered by hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The system captures patients’ information such as demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal status like age and weight, and billing information electronically and stores them in a relational database for easy access, retrieval and processing. Structured system analysis and design methodology (SSADM) uses objects throughout the software development process. The programming languages and development tools used are HTML and CSS for interface design, MYSQL for database design, and PHP for server-side scripting that facilitates communication between the interface and the database. The expected result is an integrated patient billing and recordkeeping system that will keep track of all the transactions of patients with the hospital and associate all health information with specific patients.
Every hospital wants to serve the healthcare needs of the people in its community 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and yet maintain a positive bottom line in order to replace or improve old buildings, keep up with new technologies and otherwise invest in maintaining and improving their services to meet the rising demand for care (American Hospital Association, 2019). Quite a reasonable number of healthcare institutions in developing countries still adopt traditional billing and recordkeeping system. Patients pay money during admission for tests carried out on them and at departure.