Published Online:July 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Management Research
Product Type:Article
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Author Name:Barnini Chakraborty and Mahuya Adhikary
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The shift to remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated stress and health problems for women IT professionals in India. The blurred boundaries between personal life and work were compounded by increased caregiving responsibilities and heightened stress levels which resulted in severe health and physiological problems in many women professionals with children. This study seeks to analyze the impact of remote work on the performance and wellbeing of women IT professionals. The study involved 60 women IT professionals from Kolkata, West Bengal, who experienced work-from-home during or after the Covid-19 pandemic. Data was collected using snowball sampling through a structured questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. Statistical analysis via one-way ANOVA in SPSS revealed that married women, especially with children, experienced higher levels of stress. The findings also indicate the detrimental impact of stress on mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing. To tackle these challenges, customized wellness initiatives, flexible work setups, and better access to mental health support are vital for protecting the wellbeing of women in IT roles across India.
The shift to remote work in the IT sector in post-Covid-19 India brought both positives and negatives. Positively, the employees were relishing their newfound freedom to more freely design their work schedules. However, the negative terrain of remote work presented a set of challenges, including loneliness, difficulty juggling personal and professional obligations, and various mental and other health problems. The situation aggravated for women professionals, as along with the