Published Online:July 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Management Research
Product Type:Article
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Author Name:Tanisha Mukherjee and Sudipta Majumdar
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Technology integration in the tourism industry has resulted in many innovations and advancements. The study investigates the impact of digital technologies on various experience parameters of pilgrimage tourism. It critically examines the convergence of digital technologies and pilgrimage tourism, focusing on the implementation of Tourism Experience Model in this domain. Revitalization of pilgrimage through tourism has become a significant trend as pilgrimage sites draw a wide range of people seeking unique and extraordinary experiences. By identifying the critical variables that contribute to life-changing pilgrimage experiences, the study seeks to improve the management of pilgrimage paths and provide insights into the factors that lead to improved tourist experience. The study also analyzes the role of digital technologies in destination marketing, tourist engagement, and evolution of pilgrimage tourism ecosystems, focusing on heritage preservation and community empowerment.
Tourism, in general, has been considered as the ultimate escape from reality, a way to explore new places, cultures, and experiences. As stated by various authors, tourism is often defined as an escape from routine life in search of authenticity, self-discovery, and happiness (Moore, 1995). It is often defined as the movement of individuals from their place of residence to other locations or nations in quest of recreational enlightenment. The linkage between religion and travel has been observed for centuries, with religious pilgrimages being one of the earliest forms of tourism (Timothy and Olsen, 2006).