Article Details
  • Published Online:
    July  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Management Research
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  • Author Name:
    Rahul Chowdhury and Mahuya Adhikary
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Factors Influencing Employment of Tourism Management Students in the Aviation Industry: A Quantitative Analysis

Preparing students for employment is one of the primary goals of any educational institution. This study identifies the factors influencing employment of hospitality and tourism management students in the aviation sector from the perspectives of various stakeholders. It discusses the various challenges and opportunities associated with their employability. The results show the importance of designing the hospitality and tourism management syllabus by incorporating the necessary skills and opportunities so that the students would be industry-ready. The study would be of help to hospitality and tourism management institutions in designing and developing relevant programs that can boost the employability of their students in the aviation sector


Working in the aviation industry can be a challenging as well as a rewarding career choice, with work environments ranging from airports to aircraft interiors. Jobs in the aviation industry are often perceived as dream jobs and therefore competition can be fierce. The sharing of ideas among university aviation educators is an important requirement (Woodruff, 1991). Aviation professionals must have a complete understanding of aviation law, regulations , and procedures. Training opportunities in the current era have increased across all