Article Details
  • Published Online:
    August  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
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  • Author Name:
    Ramya John and Biju John M
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Impact of Social Media on Online Customer Engagement

Incorporating social media into advertising campaigns is of great importance to marketers, ,as it can result in digital interaction. For various business companies, online involvement is crucial because it highlights their social media marketing efforts. The effectiveness is typically gauged by the amount of involvement as well as the valence of that engagement, that is, by the positive or negative comments, views, shares, and likes, among other metrics. The study investigates how online advertising affects consumer engagement and how consumers interact with social media platforms. Using purposive sampling method, primary data was collected from 120 social media users in Palakkad district, Kerala. Percentage analysis, t-test, factor analysis, and multiple regression were used for analyzing the collected data. The results of t-test show the influence of age and gender on online customer engagement. According to the findings of the study, entertainment feature of social media is the most influencing factor in online engagement of customers, and all the other factors—trust, customization, customer interaction, level of involvement and informative content to an extent—have a significant positive influence on online customer engagement. The study concludes that social media advertising dimensions have the potential to enhance customer attraction and ultimately increase customer engagement.


Social media is becoming more and more integrated into every aspect of our life. Customers are therefore either behaviorally or perceptually linked to social media platforms. Participating in social media would aid in achieving a number of marketing objectives: raising awareness, increasing customer knowledge, influencing perception, and ultimately inspiring them to make a buy (Shafiq et al., 2023). Although the idea of engaging customers is not new, the brick-and-motor notion has changed the way they would interact with customers online. The Internet has become the cutting edge of consumer involvement due to the sharp rise in online activity. Regarding the antecedents and online customer engagement, relatively little is known.