Article Details
  • Published Online:
    July  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior
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  • Author Name:
    Vijay Kumar Shrotryia and Anuradha Sarin
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Credibility of Employee Self-Appraisal to Measure Work Performance: Evidence from the Dairy Industry in India

For a long time, supervisory ratings have dominated the appraisal process. With growing interest in the ‘human element’, the literature on employee performance appraisal has witnessed a shift in favor of self-reporting, with ample evidence to endorse the benefits of self-rating over ‘rating by others’. The literature highlights the discrepancy between supervisory rating and self-rating and thus challenges the validity of the latter on varied grounds. Building on this, the present paper explores the relationship between different dimensions of employee performance, viz., contextual performance, task performance, and counterproductive behavior,using published research and data from two major companies operating in the dairy sector in India. The findings endorse self-rating as a credible tool to measure performance.


In the study of organizations, management and business, performance has been a thrust area. All organizational efforts are subjected to positive organizational performance resulting from effective use of resources. Hence, organizational performance has been considered as one of the most important dependent variables from the perspective of research, leading to policy and appropriate strategy. Early management approaches had their prime focus on machines and capital-intensive methods. The employees and their concerns were not given due importance. Hawthorne’s experiment redefined the role of employees at the workplace and laid the foundation of the human relations movement.