Article Details
  • Published Online:
    July  2024
  • Product Name:
    The IUP Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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  • Author Name:
    Md Suzon Islam
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AI-Enhanced Wireless Power Transfer System for Next-Generation Applications

Combination of Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) and artificial intelligence (AI) offers huge prospects for several industries such as consumer electronics. This study looks at the recent developments in WPT, particularly concerning AI-improved efficiency, range and reliability. Data based on experiments show a significant improvement in the efficiency of information transfer where AI is used, with rates up to 25% higher than those using traditional ways. Additionally, advanced maintenance forecasting algorithms improve system availability by cutting down on 30% of downtimes in real-life applications of AI technology. The study also looks at the scope for further research, including emergence of distributed AI for autonomous WPT network, and quantum computing for improving algorithms. The study concludes that the convergence of WPT and AI could enhance the efficiency and robustness of power transfer systems, and hence it is essential to continue the investigation in this interdisciplinary field to advance existing technology and discover novel possibilities.


Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technologies have the potential to greatly impact diverse fields (Yang et al., 2023). This paper focuses on the interaction of WPT technologies with Artificial intelligence (AI) to increase the effectiveness, capacity and stability of power systems (Zhong and Hui, 2015). It also aims at understanding how to maximize the flow of power and orientation of the devices, and to foretell when the equipment is in need of servicing (Baharudin, 2018). They are significant because they will provide a clear path to enhancing WPT efficiency and reliability, which is required for the advancement of several applications in various fields (Chinga et al., 2009).