Published Online:June 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJSS020624
Author Name:Mitashree Tripathy
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People tend to react in the manner they are treated. Many problems in organizational relationships arise because of this reason. Most often, it is not the intent but the manner of implementation that may result in conflicts. Hence, building and sustaining organizational relationships is crucial for organizational productivity, and it is here that the role of emotional management becomes relevant. Emotions help maintain a balance between one’s inner state and behavior in a given situation, which not only helps one to survive but also to flourish. However, emotions are not always reliable. At times, emotions may tend to confuse one’s perceptions of the present moments with past experiences. This may further cloud one’s judgment, and ultimately one may lose control of one’s behavior. The paper draws upon Daniel Coleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence to examine the strategies for building and sustaining organizational relationships through emotional intelligence.
One of the most difficult challenges is managing one’s emotions. Studies claim that “because emotions are natural and need a vent, suppressing them can boomerang on our health and can even lead to weakening of our sense of contentment” (Tripathy, 2020). Hence, it is imperative to understand that expressing emotions, both positive and negative, may have an impact on our relationships, and also has the potential to lead to unprepared consequences.