Published Online:June 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
Product Type:Article
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Author Name:Hetal Doshi
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With the introduction of the National Education Policy 2020, the academic dynamics have been undergoing a massive shift. The demands of present-day classrooms do not stop with knowledge and delivery. It calls for many more skills on the part of educators than these two. What are these skills that the modern educators must possess? How are the modern classes different from the traditional chalk-duster way of teaching? This paper attempts to answer these questions by listing out the essential soft skills that are required for modern-day teachers. It explores the qualities of good educators that can make the classes engaging and the learning process interesting. The paper also highlights the skills, such as digital literacy, emotional intelligence, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, patience, critical thinking, unbiased cultural understanding and professionalism, needed to be a good educato
There was a time when subject expertise and communication were the only required skills for educators. Now, due to advancement in technology and pedagogical approaches, the landscape of education is undergoing a massive shift. The educators in the 21st century are not merely expected to deliver the content effectively, but also guide, inspire and handle the diverse student community. This paper highlights the essential soft skills that educators need in the contemporary educational framework