Published Online:June 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type:Article
Product Code:IJES010624
Author Name:Preeti, Deepa Rani and Sharanpal Singh
Subject/Domain:Arts and Humanities
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Samuel Beckett conflated art and artist and envisaged an accounting of the writer’s role in his community. Since Beckett was familiar with the work of most Western philosophers, in his The Unnamable, influence of Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time is discernible. The philosopher had envisaged a theoretics of “they-Self.” Herein, Heidegger had stressed participating in the system of language to interact with humanity and discover one’s being. Talking of an individual, Heideggerian language system is experienced as multiple voices to experience oneself. According to Heidegger, who christened the phenomenon “they-Self,” since the system of language is not exclusive to an individual, he does not succeed in experiencing his authentic self. Heidegger envisaged the possibility of such an experiencing by an individual of his authenticity in silence rather than speech, and therein he can also transcend the “they-Self.” The study firmly believes that the application of such Heideggerian insights will lead to a better comprehension of Beckett’s The Unnamable in particular, and his oeuvre in general.
Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906-1989) constantly experimented in his writings. He made distinct efforts to not only read Western philosophy, but also to amalgamate insights from it in his literary works. Apart from plays, Beckett’s novels are also worthy of consideration.