Published Online:June 2024
Product Name:The IUP Journal of English Studies
Product Type:Article
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Author Name:Shanice Anne Ranade and S Sushma Raj
Subject/Domain:Arts and Humanities
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Fairy tales, despite having occupied an important place in one’s childhood, were not given their due importance in the literary world until recently. The dangers in the ideologies propagated through the traditional fairy tales, especially concerning women, were not realized or acknowledged on account of various reasons, which form the basis of the analysis in this paper. The paper also gives an overview of the changes the literary fairy tale has gone through right up to the twentieth century, with a focus on the re-visioned tales that exude feminist empowerment.
Princes and Princesses, castles and enchanted forests, wish-granting fairy godmothers, evil witches and stepmothers, triumph of good over evil, troubles and misfortunes followed by ‘happily ever after’ endings—these are the elements that have been woven together for the creation of truly fantastic stories and tales that have stood the test of time. These tales, or fairy tales, as they have come to be referred to, have for ages added magic to the mundane realities of everyday life and have not only sparked the imagination of their readers but also imparted them valuable morals and life skills.